MicroProse F1GP/WC FAQ

Version 1.1, 19 December 1995

Copyright © 1994,1995 by David P Gymer
Copyright © 1994 by Gorden Bell

Permission is granted to redistribute these documents through any electronic medium, in any form, provided that:

The F1GP/WC FAQ is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this article, the author, maintainer, and contributors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

Stop Press!

This is my last edition of the FAQ. Starting with the next edition, responsability passes to Chris Peper < J.C.A.Peper@research.ptt.nl>. The FAQ will continue to be published here and on rec.autos.simulators. My sincere thanks to everyone who has helped to prepare this FAQ, and most especially to both Gordon Bell, who wrote the original, and Chris Peper, who by taking over gives me some more time to work on GP2 related projects and will hopefully relieve some of the burden on my mailbox. *grin*.


The WWW edition features a more comprehensive contents page.

What's new

Still to be done

The technical FAQ is pretty rough. I don't really have the time or inclination to edit this properly so I'm looking for a volunteer to take this task over.

The track guides are still being rewritten. It's debatable whether I'll ever get round to finishing them. Any volunteers?


Thanks to all of the following who have helped in the creation of these documents (whether they know it or not!), including:

World Wide Web home pages