Phoenix DP is a small enterprise created in 1992. To the origin the activity was the distribution of disks of PD programs, with the arrival of the CD ROMS, us were the first to distribute some Amiga CD ROM . Today you will nearly find all existing Amiga CDs in our catalog as well as other products that we judge primordial..
      Record a CD on Amiga is henceforth possible thanks to BURN IT, MAKE CD, and to CD recoders Philips, Yamaha, Sony and another one. And this, on an Amiga 1200 + 4 mega.  
      @-NET2 CD

Internet accessible to all Amiga 3.0 and more with the CD @NET 2



The new version of Ibrowse is available.... This version of the famous Amiga navigator permits you to surf on all Web sites, even most pointed technically. It is the only Amiga browser capable to display the site of Wanadoo correctly with these frames.



Who says Internet, says connection... Termite TCP is the ideal connection program: Without worries and efficient, it is the top... It manages all PPP accesses. To absolutely possess.

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