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Click on an image for more information on any title.
Amiga Quake Amiga Quake £29.99 compact.gif (2300 bytes) Quake for the Amiga will be available in February and is the eagerly awaited Amiga version of the bestselling 'first person perspective' shoot-em up from the PC.  Pre-Order price available of only £25.99.
Myst Myst £29.99 compact.gif (2300 bytes) A really stunning graphic adventure.  A highly regarded adventure from the PC and the Mac makes a welcome appearance on the Amiga.
Capital Punishment Capital
£14.99 compact.gif (2300 bytes) A high quality fighting game.  Now reduced in price.
Take me to the order form page, I've just got to get hold of some of these.

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For independent reveiws on any of our Amiga titles please go to Paradise City
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Copyright © 1998 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: January 18, 1998