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Click on an image for more information on any title.
amiga-forever.jpg (6542 bytes) Amiga Forever Pre-Release £19.95 Amiga CompatableWindows 95 Compatible Amiga to PC Networking, and Amiga Emulation on the PC.  Includes full legal kickstart roms and workbench.   Pre-Release version at the moment.
Personal Paint 7.1 Personal Paint  Version 7.1 £24.99 Amiga Compatable A compact disc containing the latest version of one of the world's best Amiga paint packages.
Personal Suite Personal Suite £4.99 Amiga Compatable A whole suite of programs on CD with Personal Paint 6.4, Personal Write and Personal Superbase etc.
Kara Collection Kara Collection £9.99 Amiga Compatable The world famous and highly acclaimed Kara collection of coloured fonts, animated starfields and backgrounds in it's entirety on CD.
Take me to the order form page, I've just got to get hold of some of these.

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For independent reveiws on any of our Amiga titles please go to Paradise City
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Copyright © 1998 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: January 08, 1998