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Amy Resource


Amy Resource is a most comprehensive collection of software for the Amiga range of personal computers: top quality shareware, a selection of graphics, demos, mods and a complete suite of registered packages are already installed and reday to run. 

This volume contains the full registered versions of Amiga E 3.2i, Prog Ed 2.4, Image Studio 2.3, Font Machine 1.05, Web Plug 1.22, Back Man 1.4 and the demo versions of Personal Paint 7.1, Storm C/C++ 2.0, Turbo Calc 4, Storm Wizard 2.0, Draw Studio, Art Effect 1.5, PC Task, PCx, Sixth Sense Investigations and more.

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Awarded 95%



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Copyright © 1998 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: December 31, 1997