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The Learning Curve

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The Learning Curve CD presents a fantastic and magical journey through exciting subjects brought together for the first time on an Amiga CD. Containing over 32,000 files this title will delight and interest both young and old with the vast diversity and quantity of Amiga Educational and Informational programs featured. All of the programs can be run directly from the compact disc with no unarchiving on any Amiga, (Workbench 2.04+.) Encyclopedias have been scarce for the Amiga and educational compact discs have been virtually non-existant, well now you have a unique CD providing productive entertainment for all ages. Just a few of the many categories are listed below.

Aircraft Health Languages Science
Art History Literature Astronomy
Computer Hobbies Drama Biology
Desk Utils Educational Music Books
Electronics Fairy Tales Mythology Chemistry
Engineering Mathematics Philosophy Ecology
Geography Spelling Religion Geology

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Copyright © 1998 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: January 01, 1998