Cheats for DOOM (any platform) (type them in when the game is running, the cheats toggle so you can turn on/off God Mode etc. by typing in the cheat twice) IDDQD - God Mode IDDT x1 - All Map IDDT x2 - All Map & Monsters IDKFA - All Ammo, Keys, And Weapons IDCLEV## - ##=Level Number IDCHOPPERS - Chainsaw IDSPISPOPD - No Clipping Mode, means you can walk through walls IDCLIP - No Cliping Mode aswell IDMYPOS - Display your coordinates and direction IDBEHOLD - Menu, then press one of: I - Invisibility V - Invulnerablility S - Beserker Pack R - Radiation Suit A - Area Map L - Light Amp visit for DOOM for the Amiga