Amiga Flame - News - Alive - A New Shoot'em Up

Alive - A New Shoot'em Up


Alive is frenetic arcade 2D shoot'em up a bit like Turrican and Project-X, currently in development by Italian coders Darkage Software who want to contribute to the Amiga world and now intend to bring some new games for 98.


Alive is set at in 1999 when Earth has just suffered from seven plagues of the Apocalypse and a new millennium is about to begin but unfortunately that beginning doesn't look good for evil Aliens are now threatening Earth and it's in your hands to defeat them.

It can display at 50fps 120bobs simultaneously with up two players getting the chance to play at once. It will work on a plain A1200 with it being released around March. Currently they're looking for a Publisher for this game and a second game.


Next week, Amiga Flame will bring you full details of Darkage Software's second game which is a high spec Sega Rally clone.


E-mail - philip (@)

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