Amiga Flame - Demo of the Month - Olofight



Developer/ Publisher:The Real Ologram Requirements:Aga

FightThe Real Ologram have been working away busily on Olofight a beat'em up since it was last covered on Amiga Flame in September with it's release expected in coming months, they've released a demo to give you a favour of the game.

FightThe demo is two player only so make sure you have friends over before trying it out. It's easy enough to load to with there being a small intro and then it's straight into the fight screen.

The characters have already been preset, one is a type of Alien and the other a Robot each have there own style fighting moves. They also have a set of Special moves that if used correctly, will severely damage your opponent however these are limited. I found the special moves pretty easy to pull of compared to other beat'em ups I've played but what I found to be different was the type and style of moves your player could do (not just the usual ones you'd expect). The Fireball special move was Hot.

The graphics are pretty nice, I liked the background and what was really good was the speed of the charactors - they really move fast and furious.

The full version features include 10 different fighters with more than 400 animation frames for each of them with 10 special moves (attack, defense, other) with varying strength for each of the fighters and power-ups to strenghten fighters. There will be objects moving on different parallax layers, behind or in front of fighters and a floor with 3D perspective motion. There are shadow effects for the fighters movements and a realistic collision detection which essentially means that the more precise your moves are, the more harm they will cause to the opponent.

The Real Ologram have a fine game and from what I've learned they may release Olofight by themselves, but perhaps a Publisher could persuade them otherwise.


Download Olofight Demo - (825kb)

E-mail your support and opinions to The Real Ologram at:-

Installation For
  1. Dearchive the lha files in one Drawer.
  2. Double click on the icon, it'll load up immediately.

The Real Ologram

Amiga Flame

E-mail - philip @

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