Basic info on Quake

Quake is a single- and multiplayer game. The plot in the singleplayermode
is to get to the exit on each and every map. There are four levels with
several maps on each one of them. I'm not sure but I think there's 7
maps on each level. The levels are named E1Mx, E2Mx, E3Mx and E4Mx
where x is the number of the map. For example, map number 2 on level 1
is called E1M2. In the beginning you start with nothing but 50 in health,
the axe, a shotgun and a few slugs. As the game goes on you pick up new weapons.
These are called:

1. Axe
2. Shotgun
3. Super Shotgun (doublebarelled)
4. Nailgun
5. Super Nailgun
6. Grenade Launcher
7. Rocket Launcher
8. The thunderbolt

You can also pick up several extras that aid you in your struggle.
These are:


Increases the damage your weapons make by four.
The quad will only work for a limited amount of time.


There are 3 types, Grey, Yellow and Red. It improves your armour.
The Red shield being the strongest and the Grey is the weakest.

100 Health

Will add 100 to the health you have. Maximum is 200.
If you have over 100 in health it will start ticking down until it reaches 100 if you don't get killed


Allows you to breathe under water for a longer period of time than without.
But it won't allow you to go into lava without taking damage.

Ring of Shadows

This ring will make you invisible for a short period of time. The only
thing visible to your enemies is your eyes and when you fire a weapon.


Will make you invincible for a short time. Very rare.

Rocket Jump

This is not an extra thing, but a way to jump higher than before.
If you have the rocket launcher, you can point it straight down at
your feet, fire a rocket and jump at the same time. It will make
you jump real high, but you will take a lot of damage.
CAUTION! Do NOT make a rocket jump when you have the quad. This will
kill you unless you have a lot of health and a red shield!
The rocket jump is mostly used in multiplayer games.

Multiplayer games

In a multiplayer game, you connect with one or more computers via Internet,
a modem or a null-modem cable. Without any addons you can only play
deathmatch and nothing else. CTF requires that you connect to a CTF
server. In deathmatch you just have to kill as many as possible in
a limited time (10 minutes is normal). In multiplayer games, all
weapons, shields and extras pop up again after a certain amount of
time. You can play together with a maximum of 16 players in deathmatch.
When connecting to another computer there is also a thing called lag.
It is how long it takes for the information to come to your computer.
The lag is measured in milliseconds.


Quake clans are groups of players that has joined into a team. There are
many clans in the PC Quake world, and there are many tournaments.
You can make an own clan with a few friends and start challenging other
clans. There are no rules for clans, but a clan often has 5 players or
more and they have a homepage. If you want to see some clans please take
a look at the Clanlist.

Addons and patches

There are several addons and patches that you can download that will
improve and change your original quake. Examples are:

Grappling hook - Explained under CTF
Maps - Several new maps that are made by individuals and ID Software.
Weapons - Other weapons.

There are many many more addons and maps and stuff that I haven't written
about. These can be downloaded from several places. Check under links to find
sites that have addons. You can also go to the files section
to find a few maps and patches.

Binding keys

One important feature in Quake is that you can bind keys. This is like
creating a hotkey for a certain command, or several commands.
You can bind a small script for a rocket jump to a key etc. Some good things
are to bind "H" to the Hook, and another key to the rocket launcher so you
can get them without having to reach for the row of numbers at the top of your
keyboard. To bind a key you type (in the console):

BIND (key) "(command)"

Example: bind h "impulse 22" - Will make you get the hook when you press h.
Example: bind f "impulse 7" - Will pick the Rocket Launcher when you press f.


Bot is short for Robot, they are computer controlled players.
These are great for training deathmatches and CTF. There are several
different Bot's for PC (I hope they work with Quake for the Amiga).