July 98

So much for the weather. Anyway, as you'll have no doubt noticed, the CD is now more than two years old and I decided to take a trip through memory lane by going over old CDs to see just how much has changed. From the original interface for the CD (on AFCDs 1 & 2), which was pretty but hardly universally suitable, to the embarassment of having a drawer called "Have_a_look_here_first!" on AFCD6 and introducing AFCDFind on AFCD17. We've gone through another 11 CDs since then, and every one has had some improvement or other on it. Whether it be the storming AFCDPrefs (BTW. I still get people writing to me asking why we use it, they much preferred it when we dictated what viewers were used. I suggest they read this), or the icons we use for the Gallery entries, every little thing has been hand-crafted because of feedback from you.

Anyway, if you want to read the history of the AFCD, you can do so by visiting the +System+/Info drawer and double clicking on the AFCD_Changes file, or you can try clicking on this link. It should work, but you never know.

From looking at all the old CDs, I remember mentioning that we were going to have some cracking new stuff on our CD. Now, some of it hasn't happened yet, like the database, but we've gone gangbusters on some of the other things, and Oliver Roberts and Errol at EMComputergraphic deserve a special mention for making it possible. Because, although I'm the public face of the AFCD, and even though I direct the proceedings, it's them what does the donkey work of writing the programs or compiling the CD. And it's to them I owe a huge debt of gratitude. Thanks guys!