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The Amithyst Crew |
We will hopefully be doing many profiles of famous people as the e-mag goes on, but to give the questions a test run and also show you exactly who it is that makes Amithyst we've profiled ourselves. We have to confess that some of the questions have been nabbed from SFX Magazine's "Life, The Universe & everything" questionnaire, but they're just so good that we thought we'd stick bits of cotten wool all over our bodies and go "baa...baa...beir...baa".
User Name: Electrorage
Full Real Name: Samuel Jonathan Webb
Occupation: Full time student (GNVQ Advanced Information Technology)
E-Mail: sjwebb at mailexcite.com
Web Sites: This one and one of my College as part of an assignment.
Notable Notes: Creator of this very magazine, founder of Scream Design, first man on Mars (hopefully) (actually, hopefully not, you get a life-time's dose of radiation from going there). Working on a computer game for the Amiga called Space Pioneer that is very ambitious.
Film: Apocalypse Now
TV Programme: Babylon 5. You can't beat Father Ted for comedy either. The Stand was my favourite mini-series.
Actor: Harrison Ford.
Actress: Sigourney Weaver.
Novel: King Blood by Simon Clark.
Author: Richard Laymon.
Video/Computer Game: Doom.
Hobby/Pastime(s): Creating pictures on my Amiga, and also writing stories.
I also like reading, mainly horror/SF books and the occasional Pratchett novel. And I love
Games Workshop games, but I can't afford them!
Colour: Blood red. Real life blood is just so red and rich :-[
What fictional character would you most like to play in a film?
Richard Rahl from The Sword of Truth novels by Terry Goodkind, if they ever were made
into films.
Which SF starship would you most like to own?
A White Star from Babylon 5.
What do you think UFO's are?
I think those that aren't just optical illusions or weather baloons are probably military test
aircraft. I don't really think they're alien spacecraft, but I'm not sure. I do believe there's life outside our system, but it ain't here yet in my opinion.
Was the first moon landing faked?
Almost certainly.
Do you believe in ghosts?
My opinion on this keeps changing. At the moment I'm not sure. Yes.
Do you believe in guardian angels?
Yes, but I'm not sure they're with us all the time, just when we need them most. I don't think angels are auras.
What do you think the world will be like in the year 3000?
Covered in talking apes! Seriously, I don't think we'll be here any more. I'd be surprised if we made it through the first half of the millenium without becoming extinct in one way or another.
Are computers the way forward?
Yes and no. But they will be anyway, and my career will pretty much depend on it.
What job would you most like to have?
Making CGI sequences, like the huge space battles in Babylon 5.
Should the government be spending money on celebratory millenium
Not really, but yes. And by the way, I have a cunning plan: you know those annoying
people who insist on the fact that the millenium isn't until the year 2001? Well, continue to
disagree and shout at them until after the celebrations in 2000 have died down, and then suddenly agree with them just before 2001. That way you party twice!
What useful piece of advice do you have?
Ignorance is weakness.
User Name: Noddy Four-Fingers
Full Real Name: Joseph Barnabas Webb
Occupation: Full-time student (GCSE's)
E-Mail: Coming soon!
Web Sites: None
Notable Notes: Co-author of Amithyst. Hunts El Chupacabra (The Goatsucker).
Film: Blade Runner, because I like it so much.
TV Programme: That would be Men Behaving Badly, mate. Probably.
Because I just watched it the other night and I nearly wet myself with laughter.
Actor: Kyle Machloclan (how on Earth do you spell that?! - Ed), 'cos he's
really good at acting, and he's believable.
Actress: Oh damn, I don't know any women! Just put that lady.
Erm...Gwylam, Giliam Anderson. (I think you mean Gillian Anderson - Ed).
Novel: Oh damn, I've not read any books! I don't think I've ever finished a
book in my entire life!
Author: Ahah! Anne McCaffrey, 'cos I'm reading a book by her at the
moment, and I think its good. Dead good. Excellent!
Singer/Group: Ace of Base.
Video/Computer Game: Beneath a Steel Sky. I liked that because it had dead
good graphics and the robot was called Joey!
Hobby/Pastime(s): Right! Playing miniatures and painting them, although I
don't ever have time to do it. (Tinboy! - ER) Argh! Feck off! And listening to music.
And making games. (And never finishing them! - ER) I like writing stories as well. And
sleeping, which is my favourite hobby, and pastime.
Colour: Urgh! Green.
What fictional character would you most like to play in a film?
Ah! Right then. James Bond! Because you get to play with all the little gadgets.
Which SF starship would you most like to own?
All of them. My favourite is the Millenium Falcon from Star Wars.
What do you think UFO's are?
Unwanted, falling oranges, which sometimes catch the light to look like alien ships. When
they fall on your head, they knock you about 10 metres down the road and when you wake
up some tramp pours lager in your gob, and you get hallucinations about aliens.
Was the first moon landing faked?
Yes! I did it. (What, despite being -14 years old? - ER)
Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes! They are people who are insane with big sheets on their heads.
Do you believe in guardian angels?
I believe that people who want to have them believe they do. But people like the Pope and
the Queen Mother have lots and lots and lots.
What do you think the world will be like in the year 3000?
All technology will have been destroyed, and there will be no civilisation left whatsoever.
Everybody will be living in mud, again.
Are computers the way forward?
No! Just an interesting pastime.
What job would you most like to have?
Leader of the world.
Should the government be spending money on celebratory millenium
Yes! Because then we can have parties for the whole year, and get very, very drunk.
What useful piece of advice do you have?
Don't assassinate people unless you've got an alibi, and a silencer.
User Name: The Insane Limits
Full Real Name: Benjamin Peter Long
Occupation: Sprayer of Palettes
E-Mail: ben.long at pipemedia.co.uk
Web Sites: Home Page coming soon!
Notable Notes: Co-author of Amithyst.
Film: Starship Troopers
TV Programme: Babylon 5.
Actor: Bruce Willis.
Actress: Sandra Bullock
Novel: Aliens: Nightmare Asylum
Author: The bloke who wrote Aliens: Nightmare Asylum.
Singer/Group: Don't know their name!
Video/Computer Game: Final Fantasy VII.
Hobby/Pastime(s): Miniatures/Warhammer 40k.
Colour: Red. Blood red :-[
What fictional character would you most like to play in a film?
Sean Connery's part in The Rock.
Which SF starship would you most like to own?
The Super Star Destroyer.
What do you think UFO's are?
Me trying to find a parking space. And has anyone seen my ship, it's been stolen from
Roswell? There's a reward out.
Was the first moon landing faked?
It wasn't the first; I was there before them. They landed on my moon flowers.
Do you believe in ghosts?
No! I believe demons disguise themselves as them to throw us off course.
Do you believe in guardian angels?
Only one - Jesus.
What do you think the world will be like in the year 3000?
Just as much the same but much more wars and destruction, because I can't find my ship,
so I'll destroy everything trying to find it.
Are computers the way forward?
If they have wheels.
What job would you most like to have?
Head commander of a giant battle star fleet, to invade another world for no apparent
Should the government be spending money on celebratory millenium
Spend more money on free booze so everybody can get drunk. Even the kidies.
What useful piece of advice do you have?
If you have my ship, give it back. Or there'll be trouble. Big trouble. Destructive trouble.
And don't stand in dog poo, 'cos it's a [problem] to get off.
The person we sent to get this information never returned. Which is quite bizare really, considering we've got this information.
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