


28-April-98: WarpUP Release 3 - The Challenge
The highlight of the new release of WarpUP is the new dynamic scheduler to provide an excellent multitasking. There is now also a true hardware driver system. The new version also support the BlizzardPPC boards of phase5. Please get all the Information and do the Download

28-April-98: English Docs for MESA
Here are the missing English docs of our MESA project. Thanks to Holger Rabbach for that ;-) Download

22-April-98: Storm Patch, StormWizard Example
Here is the latest Patch on StormC 2.00.25 that many customers were requesting. Support. You will also find the Storm-Screen-Manager with sources and an example on external gadgets for StormWizard. Support.

21-April-98: Multilingual Products Pages
We have set up our products pages in 5 languages now. Besides German and English we now provide Italian, Swedish and French. We would appreciate if you want to make another native page. Please contact us by e-mail.

20-April-98: NEWS Mailing List
Everyone who wants to have our latest news automatically delivered to his mailbox should join this list. News-List
14-April-98: New Tornado3D 1.5 Demo
The current demo version of Tornado3D v1.5 is now available on our FTP server. Demo

11-April-98: New Patch for StormC
Patches version 2.00.23 to 2.00.32 (11.02.98). Patch

11-April-98: Revised MESA demos
The first release of our MESA demos did not work correctly on non-German systems (there was not text during installation). Now there are full English demos. Download

new07-April-98: New Support Employees
We are proud to be able to announce that we have been able to improve our support by adding five new people. They started to care for requests by e-mail some days ago and they are also present at the respective mailing lists. News

02-April-98: STFax 3.2 Update
Many new features, improvements and bugfixes are within the new version 3.2 of STFax Pro. Features Download

26-March-98: Tornado3D v1.5
All registered users will get the update free of charge from Eyelight. Whoever didn't register yet should do this now to get the update. Features of the update.

18-March-98: Gateway Computer Show
Last weekend I visited Gateway Computer Show, an Amiga-only happening in St. Louis Missouri (USA). It was great. About 1.500 Amiga fans came around and attended the very well organised workshops on Amiga related themes. More details and report can be found at the CUCUG homepage and on our Events98 pages (many pictures).

10-March-98: New Storm/ArtEffect Mailing Lists
Due to permenant problems with the old lists we have arranged new ones at our new provider. These ones will be much better ;-) But all people have to re-subscribe because we can not get your name form the old list as it is down since a week: Subscribe

10-March-98: See you in St. Louis ...
This weekend there is the big Gateway Computer Show in St. Louis, MO, USA. I (Markus Nerding) will also have a look at it and bring you the news next week. If anybody wants to meet me over there - have a look at the guy with the black Haage&Partner shirt ;-)

28-Feb-98: Update for X-DVE and FontMachine
Registered users may download an update to X-DVE v3.10 and FontMachine v3.03. Download

28-Feb-98: Table editor for PageStream
SoftLogik announces a new table editor for PageStream. It will be released in some days. Info

28-Feb-98: New & updated Services

20-Feb-98: Welcome to our new home :-)
As announced last week we changed our Web provider. WWW and FTP seem to work fine again. The addresses are still:


E-mail is working too, but our server will not be able to accept wrong addresses any more. So please check out the current list of e-mails.

In some days there will be a new Majordome for our Mailing lists. This will make them working more the standard way ;-)

20-Feb-98: 120.000nd visitors...
The amount of visits is still increasing. We are very happy that you like our web site.

19-Feb-98: Now it is getting serious ;-)
The next hours InterNIC will redirect our domain. Normally this should not effect anything, but it can't be ruled out that there will be problems with www, ftp or e-mail. Mailing list will not be effected yet.

16-Feb-98: We are moving!
Due to continuing problems with our current Internet provider we are on the way to move our WWW, FTP, E-Mail and Mailing lists to another location. Hopefully this will not effect the access to our services as all addresses will stay the same. There will be more news later this week!

28-Jan-98: Patch for STFax 3.0
The is a first patch on the new support page for STFax Pro. Info.

26-Jan-98: STFax Pro: first update & mailing list
Here you can get the first update for STFax Professional 3.0. Registered users are also free to join the mailing list. Support.

22-Jan-98: STFax 3.0 Professional released
Wouldn't it be great to have a professional fax program with voice control to set-up a digital answering machine, fax on demand or a professional answering service and even a mini BBS? Then have a look at this: Info

22-Jan-98: New Swedish product page
As an honour to the Swedish Amiga fans we now have a Swedish product page. Thanks to Vidamus, our Swedish distributor. Info

WarpUP Rel.217-Jan-98:
WarpUP Release 2

Here is the improved version of WarpUP with new and extended demos that demonstrate the power of the PPC. Info

Tornado3D Gallery
Some outstanding pictures and animations done with Tornado3D. Gallery

02-Jan-98: We support the "Made for Kids" initiative.Made for Kids

01-Jan-98: Updated Homepage
We made some changes to this homepage to make it better and easier to access. There are some new icons on the top and nearly all pages were updated. Some interesting new links are: Help, E-Mail, Service, Status. We are also very proud of the increasing visits on this homepage.


NEWS 1997

© 1998 HAAGE & PARTNER Comuter - http://www.haage-partner.com