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Plextor PX-R24CS


Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: <unknown>
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: <unknown>
Supports Packet Writing...: <unknown>
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: <none>

We had a very early model which might differ from the models that are being sold. This drive has a phone connector, two volume control buttons and one LED in the front. The terminator resistant arrays are located at the back of the drive and pin 1 is not marked on the drive, so make sure you note this when removing them.

Some SCSI hostadapters have SCSI trouble with this drive. Be prepared to switch off reselection for this CD writer. See MakeCD-FAQ.

AFAWK Firmware is kept in flash ROM, so you can update it. But you need a PC in order to do that.

See section A4000T + WarpEngine 40/40 + Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS. (working)
See section A2000 + 2060scsi.device + Ricoh RO-1420C. (working)
See section A4000 + scsi.device/cybscsi.devices + Ricoh RO-1420C. (working)
See section SCSI using WD chip + Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS. (bad)

The following drives are based on Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver CDR_Plextor.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt.

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