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Yamaha CDR 100


Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 4x
Internal buffer size......: 512 KB
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: N
Latest firmware version...: 1.12 (as of 15-Mar-1997)
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: No
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: Discontinued. Replaced by Yamaha CDR 400.

This is a very recommended CD writer. The authors of MakeCD are using this CD writer (firmware version 1.12) for quite a while without any trouble. Reading audio data works without problems in any speed. Writing data and audio CDs is very reliable. Every SCSI hostadapter we tried worked fine with this CD writer. Reselection works fine, too.

There are 5 LEDs in the front of this CD writer:

DISC, green
Blinking while a new CD is being accepted. On when CD is accepted.
READ, green
On while reading.
WRITE, orange
On while writing. Blinking when writing in test mode.
2x, green
On while working in 2x speed. Off while working in 1x or 4x speed.
4x, green
On while working in 4x speed. Off while working in 1x or 2x speed.

We don't have exact information, but we think this device is almost the same as the section Yamaha CDR 102, except for the maximum writing speed.

See section A3000 + internal scsi.device + Yamaha CDR 100. (working)
See section A4000 + Cyberstorm MK-I + cybscsi.device + Yamaha CDR 100. (working)

The following drives are based on Yamaha CDR 100:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver CDR_Yamaha_10x.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt.

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