On-Line News - Virus Help Team Denmark
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On-Line Anti-Virus News by VHT-DK
This little info text about what is happening on the Virus scene. It will be updated when something new happens on the Amiga Anti-Virus scene.
Sorry to you all. But I have not had the time to write in this new's letter for some time now. I have been busy moving with my family,
but everything should be okay now.
Well, we hope to have a new version of VirusChecker II out before christmas. Alex van Neil is working full time
with this new update. We will let you know when it is ready.
A new version of the known "HitchHicker" link-virus has been found. At this ime no known antivirus program can find and remove this virus.
But all the major antivirus programmers has recived the infected file, and will make a release very soon. Gideon Zenz has updated AntiBeol to v1.33, and this update can fix the HitchHicker v4.23.
Also VT v3.00 can find and remove the HitchHicker v4.23.
Download VHT-DK's warning about "HitchHicker v4.23".
Thanks to Ramon for sending the archive to us.
A new clone of "Happy New Year" linkvirus has been found. It is spread in the archive "MUI020.LHA". VT v2.99 will find and remove this sucker.
Thanks to Dave Jones for sending the archive to us.
Another version on "BOKOR" linkvirus has been found, at this time non of the big viruskillers is abel to detect
this new virus. But Dave Jones and Harry Sintonen
has made a small killer that can detect the new BOKOR v1.1 virus. Use them if you
have trouble with BOKOR v1.1.
A new linkvirus has been found. It is called "BOKOR v1.05". At this time only VT v2.98 is abel to find and remove this virus. We must
give Mr. Heiner Schneegold a big thanks, for updating VT so quickly.
In the new version of Xtruder, the programmer has included what we call a trojan. If you use a fake keyfile or uses the keyfile of
"Alex Holst #5", it will delete your SYS: partition. We can not accept that an antivirus programmer includes this kind of programming
in a virus killer. The members of Virus Help Team Denmark, has desided not to support Xtruder any more. We will not send new viruses
to Martin Wulffeld. So Xtruder will not be found in this site any more.
A new linkvirus has been found, it is another version of BEOL, this time the number of this linkvirus is up to number 4. At this time there
is no killer that can killer this 'sucker'. But VirusWorkshop v6.6 is going to be released within 7 days, and will be abel to kill this new
linkvirus. Thanx to Markus for the note about this.
There is a new trojan out. The name of the archive is "IO4-INVI.LHA" it will destroy your startup-sequence and user-startup. At this time
there are no viruskiller that can find this 'lame' trojan. But the trojan is send to all the major Amiga anti-virus programmers and to the
Virus Test Center in Hamburg.
We now got a few rappors about a new trojan in a archive with the name of "dcn-ib2.lha". And remember not to execute the program.
Thanks to Sascha Matey for sending us this archive.
There has been released a renamed archive of VirusZ II, it is said to be v1.39, but everything in the archive is v1.37. We have not been abel to find any virus in the archive. Remember only to Download VirusZ II from this site, we get it directly from the programmer.
VT v2.95 by Heiner Schneegold has been released now, this great antivirus program can find and remove the new HitchHicker 4.11 linkvirus. Just go and get the new VT v2.95......
There is a new linkvirus out for the Amiga, it has been named 'HitchHicker v4.11', at this time there are NO viruskiller that can find this linkvirus. VirusWorkshop and VT is going to be released within 7 days, and they will be abel to kill it. If you think that you have got this virus, look in the first 100 bytes and can you read 'copycat decruncher 1.01', then your system is infected with this new virus. The virus will add 3352 bytes to every file that is executed.
VirusWorkshop v6.4 is going to be delayed for about 1-2 weeks due to that Markus Schmall has had a harddisk crash. Nothing happend to the vws scource-code (Markus had a backup).
Okay, there is a new version of the Happy New Year linkvirus out, called this time 97'. VT v2.93 will be released today, and it will take care of this new Happy New Year 97'
It is said that there is a new linkvirus out on the loose. It should have the name Happy New Year 97'. I have tested the archive that is said to be the installer, but can't get it to infect my system. The archive is now send to Markus Schmall and I'll get back to you as soon as I hear anything. PS. VirusWorkshop v6.4 will be released about the 27.12.1996.
There are two new trojans out. The first is HF-CED40.LHA, it is said to be a CygnusEd v4.0, but it looks like a COP trojan. The other one is HDPRO624.lha, it is said to be a HD protector, but it will format your system drives.
The archive name 'HF-TETA1.LHA' & 'HF-TETA2.LHA' contains the new 'CoP' trojan's. They will delete your system. So don't start them.
Here you can write a letter or send a new virus to Jan Andersen.
Copyright © 1997 - Jan Andersen