System III V1.1 - Gamespecs
Needs: 68020+, AGA, 3.0+, 1-1.5Mb
Colours: 350+ colours on screen at the same time.
Display: 320x200
- 50/60Hz Display
- GameSpeed - Normal 12 fps - User adjusable between 10-25 fps.
- TextSpeed
- Window BackBrightness
- PointerImage (One for lefthanded)
- Sound On/FX/Music/Off
- SaveDevice (DF0:,RAM:,ProgDir:)
- MenyMode
- RoomData Buffers
384 colours on screen at the same time.
OS friendly.
Highly configurable.
Fully multitasking (normal screenswitching possible with lamiga+m).
Due to some restrictions in the OS, the gamescreen can't be promoted.
Won't work with graphiccards, sorry! :(
Uses approx. 35% of the processor at normal speed.
Bloody huge ingame realtime programminglanguage.
Extra small interpreter for dialogueprograms.
Realtime imagescale & imageflip routines (with cache).
Realtime shadowing effect on main character. (Like Sam&Max, only better :)
Advanced soundFX engine with mixing and samplepriority to run the music and 'mumble' systems.
Some own gfx routines, like 'Drawhorizontalline' (x32 faster).
>20 own blitterroutines optimized for 16even images, icons, BOBs, etc..
Own Vbl interrupt to handle colourfade, flash and smooth screenscroll.
Loads next room while fading the current.
Can be run without sound/music, so you can use your own moduleplayer.
Advanced ingame errorroutines and emergency saving of game.
All data packed with my own packer (extremely fast at unpack).
Convert 'planar' gfx to 'chunky' before packing (gains 25%)
Realtime unpacking of inventoryicons.
Four special packers for samples (lossy, but packs to 25%-75%).
Special unpackroutine to unpack chunkygfx to planar.
Different panel backgrounds (one per timeperiod).
Realtime window movement (follows the character, can be turned off).
Separate palette for mainscreen, inventoryscreen and character.
Multizoneobject (one screenobject can have more than one mousezone).
Multicharacter control (It's possible to switch control to another character if needed).
Uses own copperlist with 4xfetchspeed (free chipcycles for blitter).
Checks stacksize, processor, FPU, kickstart and AGA on startup.
Loading from disk approx. 3 secs per room.
Dynamic room data buffering system, for people with a lot of ram.
Turn on AGA chipset if not already on.
Very memory efficient.
Totally bug-free!!! :)
Lowmemory handler (clears roombuffers, zoomcaches and stop music if low on memory).
Beats the hell out of MonkeyIsland and Simon...
I love this game !!!!!