North American Amiga Computing Subscribers
To Be Offered Amazing Computing/Amiga Magazine

August 23, 1997 PiM Publications Inc. announced today they have made an agreement with IDG Media of the UK to offer Amiga Computing subscribers Amazing Computing/Amiga Magazine to fulfill their subscriptions. Don Hicks, Managing Editor for Amazing Computing stated, "We felt the history of IDG's involvement with the Amiga as well as our own long-time commitment to the Amiga market made this an honor as well as our duty to step in and provide all North American Amiga users a continued professional source to Amiga information."

Ian Bloomfield, Amiga Computing Publisher, stated, "After 117 issues, Amiga Computing has sadly closed. However, we are proud to know that Amazing Computing/Amiga will continue to speak to all Amiga users with the same journalistic responsibility that has made Amiga Computing famous. We wish Gateway 2000 and Amiga International Inc. all the best."

Don Hicks also stated, "Amiga Computer subscribers will be offered an assortment of other publications from IDG in a letter being sent with their October (last) Amiga Computing issue. However, none of the other publications being offered are Amiga-based. We wanted to offer these Amiga users an opportunity to stay within the Amiga marketplace."

Amazing Computing/Amiga to maintain advertising rates for current advertisers.

A representative of PiM stated, "Although we are increasing our current subscription base, we will not increase advertising rates to current Amazing advertisers at this time. When AmigaWorld closed, PiM cut Amazing Computing's full page ad rates in half in order to stabilize the marketplace and maintain an outlet for Amiga users, dealers, and developers. We believe the current situation is similar and we want to do all we can to keep Amiga developers actively producing for the Amiga market."

About Amazing Computing
Amazing Computing/Amiga was the first monthly magazine (first issue-February, 1986) for the Amiga making Amazing the longest running Amiga publication in the world. Amazing Computing is the only monthly Amiga publication in North America as well as the only full color and newsstand distributed North American publication.

Amazing Computing is the premiere Amiga news magazine. Every issue pushes to discover what is happening in the Amiga market and what is important to Amiga users. With news stories, tutorials, hints&tips, show reports, and more, Amazing Computing has covered the Amiga market from Video to Games, from programming to web site construction in over 135 issues. They do this by not compromising their dedication to get their readers ALL The Facts First. No wonder AC continues to consistently beat any other Amiga publication with new product information, news, and reviews by at least a month.

Amazing Computing is available by subscription:
1 year (12 issues)
$27.00 US
$34.00 Canada & Mexico
$44.00 Foreign (air mail rates available on request)

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Foreign orders should call 1-508 678 4200 or FAX 508 675 6002.

Mail orders to:
Amazing Computing
C/O PiM Publications Inc.
P.O. Box 9490
Fall River, MA 02720

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