Amazing Computing/Amiga Advertising Guide

The advertisers below help support Amazing Computing/Amiga and our effort to provide our readers with the most accurate, up-to-date, and responsible information possible. Without the continued support of these companies, AC would not be able to bring the Amiga community the dedicated service they have come to expect for over 11 1/2 years.

Please frequent these companies and tell them you saw them in Amazing Computing/Amiga


A V Solutions Inc
AV Solutions carries a line of Amiga products. Call for details.
1568 Randolph Ave, St Paul, MN 55105
TEL: 612-698-1175, FAX: 612-698-6903

Columbus, Ohio's Amiga User group and home of the.
Midwest Amiga Exposition.

AMIGA International
AMIGA International is a subsidiary of Gateway2000, and the company in charge of Amiga distribution in the United States.
Robert-Bosch-Strasse 11 B
D-63225 Langen GERMANY
TEL: 49 6103/5878-5, FAX: 49 6103/5878-88

Amiga Web Directory
One of the oldest and still most active Amiga internet crossroads.
An excellent way to connect to everything else Amiga.

Anti-Gravity Workshop
Anti-Gravity is a mail order company which carries Amiga software and hardware.
1649 16th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Toll-Free 800-7-GRAVITY, TEL: 310-399-7782, FAX: 310-399-8262

Centsible Software
Centsible Software maintains a growing list of older Amiga software
products-call or write for a catalog.
8818 College Ave., Berren Springs, MI 49103
TEL:616-471-1089, FAX 616-473-3456

Compuquick Media Center
Compuquick Media Center carries used & new Amigas, Video Toaster Systems, all Amiga software, peripherals and provides repair and takes trades.
3758 Town and Country Road, Columbus, OH 43213
TEL: 614-235-3601, FAX:614-235-1180

Graphic Detail Inc.
Graphic Detail supplies LIGHT-ROM CDs for Lightwave3D. These disks supply
hundereds of images for discriminating Amiga artists and videophiles.
Orders Only: 1-800-265-4041, TEL:502-363-2986

Hammond Photographic Services
Hammond supplies 4X5 color transparencies and 35mm color slides from all Amiga computer & Video Toaster Graphics. Call or write for order form, price list, and Free sample slides.
4301 North 75th Street Suite 101B, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

HardDrivers Company
HardDrivers Company offers used Amiga equipment for sale, buying and selling of Amiga systems, and the repair of all Amigas.
117 Gary Ln, Cocoa, FL 32922
TEL: 407-636-3393

Intergrated Teknologies Inc
Intergrated specializes in Amiga repairs, Amiga products and more. Phone/Fax for availability & prices.
1101 Chestnut Street Suite A, Roselle, NJ 07203
TEL:908-245-1313, FAX: 908-245-9409

Legacy is offering its new video magazine about the Amiga. Over 60 minutes of fun, informative video - 5 times a year.
P O Box 60711, Chicago, IL 60626

National Amiga
National Amiga is a mail order and retail company carrying an array of both new and used Amiga hardware and software. Check out their website to obtain the latest pricing and product information.
111 Waterloo St. #101, London, Ontario N6B2M4 Canada
TEL: 519-858-8760, FAX: 519-858-8762

Nova Design Inc
Nova Design is the creator of ImageFX, the Amiga's highly rated image editing and special effects package. Nova Design is also responsible for the new interface and set of features in the Aladdin 4D software package.
1910 Byrd Ave Suite 214, Richmond, VA 23230
TEL: 804-282-6528, FAX:804-282-3768

Paxtron Corporation
Paxtron Corp specializes in hardware for your Amiga from replacement chips and system upgrades to drives, power supplies, accelerators, diagnostics and much more. Paxtron also buys A2000 computers (NTSC or PAL).
28 Grove Street, Spring Valley, NY 10977
888-PAXTRON, TEL: 914-578-6522, FAX: 914-578-6550

QuikPak is the current manufacturer of the A4000 series of computers. In conjunction with Robinson Consulting in Canada, QuikPak also presents special pricing for iSTAR and NETCOM customers on the world wide web.
888-784-5725, TEL: 610-666-8080, FAX: 610-666-8081

Safe Harbor
Safe Harbor is a mail order company which carries a huge line of Amiga Software, hardware and CD-ROM drives and titles. Don't forget to look through their web site for additional products.
W226 N900 Eastmound Drive, Waukesha, WI 53186
800-544-6599, TEL: 414-548-8120, FAX: 414-548-8130

Software Hut
Software Hut is a mail order company which carries an extensive line of Amiga products. Their ad promises a 24 hour response on quotes & technical info as well as same day shipping on orders. For their latest products, prices etc visit their website.
313 Henderson Drive, Sharon Hill, PA 19079
800-932-6442, TEL: 610-586-5703, FAX: 610-586-5706/6416


Stark Reality Software
Stark Reality offer an Amiga business program for Amigas with WB1.3 & up. Package includes A/R, A/P, G.L., Invoices, Billing, Payroll and Client List.
P.O. Box 640156
San Francisco, CA 94164-0156


TLAS (Turtle Lightning Amiga Software) is a mail order company which carries an extensive line of Amiga software including home & business, games, educational as well as CD-ROM titles
P O Box 30499, Midland, TX 79712
TEL: 915-563-4925, FAX: 915-563-4315

VisionSoft is a mail order company carrying an extensive line of Amiga hardware and software. Check out their website to obtain the latest pricing, product information and technical tips.
P O Box 4398, Carmel, CA 93921
800-735-2633, TEL: 408-626-2633, FAX: 408-625-6588

1997 PiM Publications Inc.