Gateway 2000 and Amiga International Press Conference- The London press conference (May 16, 1997) with Jim Taylor, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing for Gateway 2000, and Petro Tyschtschenko of Amiga International is now available on video. Discover what was really said in their speeches and in the question and answer session.
Jim Taylor outlined Gateway 2000's philosophies, Petro Tyschtschenko outlined the present and future position of Amiga International, and both men fielded questions from the floor. Nowhere has this conference been completely reported (of course AC's July issue will cover the high points) as thoroughly as this unbiased taped event. Be a Fly on The Wall and see for yourself the direction and promises that have been made to the Amiga community.
Also, discover what PIOS has to say. What are their plans, what is their foundation, and how are they going to work in this new environment. Take advantage of this special opportunity to discover PIOS current products and future plans. The PIOS Press conference and question and answer session has also been included on this video at no extra charge.
Gateway 2000 & Amiga International
Press Conference: $19.95 US plus $5.00 S&H (US only-ask about foreign S&H)
London Developers' Conference on Video! - The London Developers' Conference (May 17, 1997) is available on tape. Get a real feel for what was said about and to Gateway 2000. Listen as Amiga developers from all around the world discuss possibilities for the Amiga market.
London Developers' meeting:
$19.95 US plus $5.00 S&H (US only-ask about foreign S&H)
Get Both Tapes for just $34.95 US plus $5.00 S&H (US only-ask about foreign S&H)
These are a product of Fly on the Wall Video. These are not professional edited productions. This is raw, uncut footage for a you are there feel!
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