This default grey background color is a really dull one. But cheer up, you may change that one and a lot of other things, you may even add your own background to your page.
Colors are set with a hexadecimal code. Our standard decimal system use 0 to 9, the hexadecimal system use 0 (zero) to 9 (F). A color code (usually called a RGB code) may look like this; "#FF9911", the first two characters (FF) set the amount of red, the next two set the amount of blue and the two last the amount of green. Some examples; "#FFFFFF" is white, "#000000" is black, "#FF0000" is red and "#1C1C1C" is grey.Background Color
To change the background color you add the bgcolor attribute to your body tag.
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
(white background)
Background Image
You can also have an image (a gif or jpg file) as background. Make sure you don't use black text on a dark blue background or something like that, because then the text will be quite hard to read.
<body background="image.gif">
This will make your image file image.gif a background of your page. The image will be repeated both horizontally and vertically so it covers your whole page.
Text Color
To change the color of your standard text you use the text attribute, it works the same way as the background color attribute.
<body text="#00FF00">
(green text color)
Link Color
You can also change the color of your links (works exactly the same way as the text color attribute does).
<body link="#0000FF">
(unvisited link)
<body vlink="#FF0000">
(visited link)
Use the same link colors on all your pages, otherwise your users wouldn't now whats unvisited or visited after a while.
Of course you may combine these attributes in anyway you want, like this, for example.
<body background="clouds.gif" vlink="#FF0000" link="#0000FF">