Welcome to Autospy-on-the-web. If you are interested in
webdesign or HTML, this is the place for you. Both beginners and professionals
may find material here, just have a look around and you'll see. Tutorials,
tips, tricks, advice, help, resources, tools, whatever, you'll get it here.
The purpose of this site is that it should be the ultimate help and learning place on the net for for those interested in making their own homepage (and a really good one). Please sign the guestbook so I know that there is someone who would like me to achieve this goal.
All In One Yahtzee 2.2 "Best yahtzee game for Win95/NT!" Read more or download it now! (287 kB) Awarded Game Of The Day at MegaDirectory and Top Download at Softseek. |
SoftwareDirect download of my Win95/NT game called All In One Yahtzee. Just go there and download it and start playing, totally free.Web DesignThe web design section is for you who are already familiar with HTML and are interested in how to design and promote your site. Also some tips & tricks in HTML are included to explain how to achieve certain design/layout effects.HTML TutorialsIf you want to learn HTML or improve your skills, then the HTML Tutorials section is for you. There you'll find tutorials about both simple and advanced matters. It's about plain HTML and nothing about design. It's not yet ment to be a complete cover of everything in HTML, but quite a lot is mentioned which you might learn at least something from.Web GraphicsHere you'll get graphics for your site or the tools you need to create your own. This order to improve this section all link suggestions are very welcome. |
What's new?Friday 21th of November -My theme site is opened, please check it out!
Download!Download my game All In One Yahtzee for free! Just one click away!
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![]() I've created a support site of it's own for All In One Yahtzee, please make a visit.
![]() If you've got ICQ you may page me on this UIN number 2244888 |
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