Advertisement Information This site has an advanced banner rotating system. It allows banners to be targeted to just some users. You may choose to view your banner to everyone, or just to people from a certain country. For example, if you've got a german software which you want to promote you're probably not interested in showing banners to US citizens because they would not understand german anyway. However, with this banner system you can limit your exposure to one single country, Germany for example which is suitable in this case. Of course you don't have to use this feature, you may choose to expose your banners to everyone too. This also allows you to have different banners exposed to different users. For example you may want to tell swedish users that you've got a swedish dictionary (or something) in your editor, but to the rest of the world (who isn't interested in that) you use a banner which simply says it's a great editor. The different ways you can advertise are during a time period, a certain number of exposures or pay per click-through. If you have an own suggestion or is interested in another advertisement/sponsorship method, feel free to contact us. Are you interested in advertisement on this site or have any questions, please send e-mail to Stefan Pettersson.
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