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About these pages

Welcome! The purpose of this webdesign section is to share tips, tricks, advice, suggestions, tutorials or whatever you come up with concerning website or homepage creation. The pages are here to help you. Maybe you'll get some new ideas, get inspired or come up with some ways to improve your own site after reading.

Just remember, these pages are only guidelines, not rules. Things stated here may not suit everyone, but hopefully you'll find at least something interesting.

I also ask you to help me improve these pages. If you have any ideas of improvements, find an error or just like this page, please tell me so by sending an e-mail. If you have any questions concerning HTML-coding or web design, I would be happy to help you out, just send an e-mail and I'll see what I can do.

Here's a list of the different webdesign sections with a brief description.


The page you're looking at.


Concerns the actual contents of a site. Why do you want a homepage and what's the purpose of it.


This one has a submenu. Here's some thought about the layout of a site, also the programming behind some of the layout effects are explained.


Answer questions about web-graphics. Should you use gif or jpeg? How do you get the images to load faster, etc. Also point out some non technical matters about the design and layout of images.

Technical Notes

Things that may be good to know or might be useful when you're writing your pages in HTML.

Do and Don't

A constantly updated list of things that might be a good idea to do, or shouldn't be done at all when you're sitting there in front of your html-editor.


Some ways to get people to visit your site. How to advertise your site without spending money.


Different free services on internet which may be useful. Things like counters, guestbooks, etc.

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Last updated 970630