After you know what you should have on your site, you should figure who will visit it, or rather, who do you want to visit your site. What kind of audience do you want? You should think about age, interest, needs, location, activities, concerns, lifestyle, etc.
This may give you some ideas on how to design your site and what content you want to include. If you have a site with online games your audience probably are quite young. With this in mind you can successfully include things like game cheats, games advertisement, reviews, etc., because this will probably interest your audience.
It's a question of balance, if you have a very specific content you may only attract a very narrow audience, but you will be able to update and have a very large content about this single subject. But if you have a very wide content, you may also attract a very large audience, but it will be harder to have an in-depth content about a very large subject. And if it's not in-depth, your visitors may visit another site which is just about that specific thing instead. As you see, not too specific, but not too wide either.