Submitting your page to different award distribution services might be a good idea when you've finished your page. But don't forget that you need a very extraordinary page to receive any of the bigger awards. There is probably thousands of awards available, but most people don't care about 99% of them. If you receive a well known award, however, such as Yahoo's Pick of the Week, you can count on a lot of hits.If you're interested in submitting your site take a look at Award-It because they have an excellent free award submitting service which let you submit your site to about 20 awards in only one click.
Below is a list of other more or less known awards. Please report any broken links.
2ask Best Of The Planet Award
AAST's Wow! Web Wonders
Anglican Pick of the Week
Australia Cool Site of The Day
Australian Internet Directories Pick Of The Day
AWESOME Sports Site of the Week and Year
BAT's Catch of the day
Best of 95: The Best Websites of 1995
Blazin' Bookmark
Blue Planet's Cool Site of the Day
Bob's Kool Link
Burning Guy Top Sites
CDnow Cool Music Site of the Week
Club Web Platinum 100
Cool Page of the Day
Cool Site of the Day
CyberNaut Web Design Awards
Cybertown's Site of the Week
David Siegel's High Five
Delta PC - COOL Sites Page
DigiDay's Site of the Day
Funky Site of the Day
GAR award
Golden Web Award
Gorski's Site of the Day
Handian's Hot Links
House Of Bent
IADHP Architecture Pick of the Week
IADHP Design Pick of the Week
IPPA Award for Design Excellence
IWAY 101 - Cool Site of the Week
iWorld's Site of the Day
Jayde Site of the Week
"Julie Approved" Fabulous Site of the Day
Kick Ass Web Site
Leading Learning Fountain
Linda's Link of the Day
Link Launcher
Lonster's Pick of the Litter
Macmillan Winner's Circle
Magic Storm Award
Mad-Link of the Week
NBNSOFT Content Awards
One Useful Thing and One Cool Thing
PCW's Best of British Web
Pirate Pete's Pick of the Week
Point Top Sites of The Web
Program One's Pick of the Week
Project Cool sightings
Ravi's Pick Elite Site
Seven Wonders of The Web
Short Attentions Span Site of the Week
Silver Award
Spider's Web
SpinnWeb Feature Honors Awards
The Qualis
TRCWeb - Web Hot Spots
Trog's Pick of the Week
Utopian Site Design Award
Webbernaut Awards Page
Webbie Awards
Web Wonder of the Week
Wicked Cool Site of the Week
WLYN Special Link of the Week
Xplore - a Guide to the Internet