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Title screen of 'Geenie'

Geenie, Teenie, Meenie, Veenie..... These are the names of our four greenish friends. You must jump them through worlds by levels.
They jump and collect, nothing else.
The main idea of this game is taken from an old C64 game, can't remember it's name or author. But, be sure that the game changed a lot (We pixelled some graphics in 1990 when we saw the original game but they were nearly forgotten.) We found them in 1995 and started to improve then the design came. First there were just one greenie, Geenie (second from the left on title). To add a 'Backyard' factor to the game we added extras (balls/gems) and other greenies, more levels, more.... That's why it took 4 months to finish the game.. Add more and more thingies takes more and more times. As we did in NSX.

Geenie uses the 'worlds' system. If you pass some levels,all level graphics will change. There are 9 worlds (27 levels) in the full version, 2 worlds (6 levels) in the unregistered version.

Harddisk installable. Joystic, cursor controls.

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