4th September 1997
25th September 1997
26th September 1997
4th October 1997
7th October 1997
Current machine specifications to run game:
- A1200, 020 or better (AGA colours)
Jobs completed/pending:
- Film style credit intro (6 channel music and 128 colour backdrops!)*
12th October 1997
Nothing special, just altering the web pages a bit. 'Dafel's Quest' is
still being worked on, however is is now starting to take shape.
New Artist: Aka "Mr Blonde" joins the team, we beleive that his Manga style
artwork will make an excellent addition to the game.
We are now considering the possibility of making Dafel: Bloodline playable
over the internet. However, we need to research the idea more.
2nd October 1997
Complete overhaul of web pages, new 'icon' system implemented, making it
much easier to navigate. Monolith address has been down for a few days,
making it impossible to use the new address.
Basic Modem-to-modem routines written for Dafel: Bloodline, this is a much more
viable option than the TCP/IP link. We'll have to save that for a future
Major developments in the Dafel: Bloodline. A demo should be released
early - mid November!
- 1.7megCHIP & 2megFAST free to run from WB
- Hard drive (roughly 4meg free - up to 20 in final game!)
- Manga film style intro (256 cols film intro based on game prologue)*
- Stage1A map for demo**
* = pending
** = completed
Updated Download section of Web Pages, now there is an option to add a link
to your own homepages, with Graphic banner.
11th November 1997
Major update on TCP/IP link, we maybe able to use this for Dafel: Bloodline after all.
We have been able to get a much faster link up and running thanks to but a few people,
I will not mention their names here (Thanks Paul Buerky and Anton
5th December 1997
Change; the offical name for Dafel's Quest (Child of Darkness) is now "Dafel: Bloodline", due to ano
her game in development by another group called "DarkChild".