A Quick Summary of the Most
Valuable Information Contained Within
1. A vibration is being felt all over the planet to begin to communicate more openly with one another, to connect with all our brothers and sisters. The physical manifestation of this movement is called networking. Networking is a visible example of the Aquarian Age philosophies put into practice. The key to a well-run cooperative network is the mutual sharing of all resources. A central information exchange system is the focal point for the members of the network to meet each other. 2. For individuals interested in becoming a networker, sensitivity to one's inner awarenesses is a great help. There are many Light Centers which offer training to develop these natural abilities. A networker is sincere and willing to devote a large amount of their time,resources and energy as his/her services are badly needed. 3. Three suggestions for New Age/Aquarian/Spiritually orientated people: First, have total faith in God. One who has total faith, has no fear. A path of faith helps to build inner strength which will be needed in the times ahead. If you are doing God's work, being of service to your fellow man, contributing toward creating a world of peace, brotherhood and harmony, you will surely be supported. Secondly, become attuned to your inner self. It will give guidance at all times. It will tell you where to go and what type of work to be doing, no matter what conditions prevail in the world. Your inner self is your channel to the Creator. Last, view each life experience as a lesson that is helping you with your spiritual growth. Take what you have learned from this experience and move on. Continue to seek the Ultimate Truth. 4. We can create the Aquarian Age this very moment if man truly willed it. Each of us can play a role in its emergence. The Aquarian Age will be a time of great beauty, harmony, brotherhood, freedom of personal expression and attunement to spirit (Universal Wisdom). We will be living in total cooperation with nature (the Mother Earth), our fellow man and the entire universe. Technology will be used wisely as a tool to advance mankind. The New Age will occur in the near future, we are on the thresh-hold. 5. A New Age activity/group is one that tries to perfect the outer/inner man. Our true essence is spirit, our body is our vehicle to experience the physical reality. 6. The group of beings known as the Space (Universal) Brothers come from many regions of the universe, from many different dimensions. They are here to aid with the planetary transformation. They are telepathically communicating with many spiritual channels. One can use their inner awarenesses to validate these channeled transmissions. The market is being flooded by many books on UFOs, including many pictures of their spacecrafts. We are seeing more movies and television programs based on the UFOS. The Space Brothers wish to share great knowledge with us, but they must wait until man is ready. If mankind openly invites them, they will make more direct contact. They must not interfer with our Free Will. They are here in peace. 7. Fear is one of our greatest enemies. Fear is a result of ignorance of Truth. We should be careful that it does not control us. 8. The concepts of 'Good' and 'Evil' are creations of man. On a universal level, they are merely the two extremes of the same universal force, a balancing effect. 'Evil' can be viewed as the desire to be separated from the natural order, God's Laws. By Free Will, man creates his own reality by his thoughts and his belief systems. By choosing a path of separation, he has created his own suffering and hardships. Painful experiences are reminders we have wandered off the path of Truth. God has always given His/Her children total abundance. We are co-creators, made in the image of God's image of spirit and thus have God-like powers. As long as we recognize the 'Oneness' in all things, strive to work harmoniously with all realms, we will be in attunement with God's Will. Through mental discipline we can control our environment. We are all Children of the 'Light' (Truth). 'Darkness' has no power over the 'Light', it is merely the veil that covers the 'Light'. For all is one, there is no separation! 9. There are many factors contributing towards the birth of the New Age. A sample of these factors include: The balancing of planetary and individual karma, Universal Brothers/UFOs, Star People, Inner Earth People, Ascended Masters, Vibrational Shift - material-dense to etheric-dense, 'Light' vs. 'Dark', Rapture/Teleportation, more earth changes, etc ... The Star people are individuals who's home is not the Earth. They come from other regions of space. They have chosen to be here either to assist the Earth into the Aquarian Age using an earthly body or to learn some specific lessons only the earth can provide. 10. There exists a great number of spiritual channels. This condition prevails in order to spread Aquarian Age messages wide and far, across the planet from the Divine Realms. All people have the potential to become a spiritual channel of one form or another. 11. From Chapter 5, a few of the key messages channeled: Through a nameless group in Sedona, AZ., information was received from the Spiritual Hierarchy represented by Lord Gautama (The Buddha) and Lord Maitreya (The Lord of the World), that on March 10th, 1982, the Cosmic Christ energies would be sent to Earth. They requested all Light Bearers on the planet to serve as empty vessels through a planetary meditation, to anchor this energy into the Earth. There are several other dates in 1982 when the Cosmic Christ energies will be firmed up. From the New Age group called Golden Rays, near Phoenix, AZ. Messages have been received through channel Lyara Triton that evacuation of the planet could begin as early as the fall/winter of 1982/83 and be completed by early spring of 1983. It was suggested not to change one's lifestyle unless you receive your own inner guidance to do so. The Homebringing Mission of Jesus Christ communicates that Jesus will not return in a physical body. He will guide us from the spiritual planes. There will be many people who will claim to be Him. 12. The "I AM" Presence or God Consciousness can be channeled by all people. This ability requires lifetimes of training. God is internal not external. For this reason, the statement, "We Are One" is often spoken. We are all a part of the same 'One Consciousness', the Creator, "The All That Is". 13. There are four Archangels of God (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael & Uriel) who have physical messengers on the planet. Each Archangel has a different portion of the Divine Plan they are performing through these messengers and from the spiritual realms. 14. Synchronicity or the study of coincidences is one method our inner self uses to communicate important information to us. It is suggested to pay as close attention as possible to events occuring around you. The type of coincidences will be individual, orientated to each personality. 15. There is a wealth of valuable and interesting information to be found in books. They serve as a catalyst to help raise our consciousness and remind us of things we already know. You can receive guidance which books to read or perhaps images or additional information while you are reading (sort of reading between the lines!). 16. Holistic Health, alternative studies for well being, is becoming very popular. These studies look at health from beyond just a physical level. A total integration of body, emotions, mind and spirit. An example of this type of approach was used in the work of the well known English physician, Edward Bach. His Bach Flower Remedies were developed to treat the emotional and mental imbalances of his patients rather than the physical ailments. Color and music therapies are being administered by many Holistic Doctors as they regard the human body as energy and vibration. Illness represents an imbalance of the body's energy in a particular region. The Orientals have long known the body contains lines of energy called meridian lines, that flow from our head to our feet. Accupuncture is based on this information. Herbs and natural plants have been very effective medicines used by man. The Native American Indians are very well versed in this field. Lastly, more attention is being given to nutrition and eating proper foods. 17. There were six health products I discovered on my travels which assist with body alignment to higher vibrations: Spirulina, Aloe Vera Juice, Mineral Salt Solutions (gold & silver chloride), D(S)Cells, Bach Flower Remedies and OM-12. 18. The Native American Indians are struggling for the rights to live their traditional ways. The Government is hasseling them all over the country, trying to swallow them up in the White Man's society. Many of the reservations reside on land of great mineral wealth and the Indians are being forced to relocate for mining purposes. The Indians are horrified to see what the White Man is doing to the mother earth, destroying the natural balance. The Indians view themselves as the protectors of the earth. The Indians are asking for our help. In this regard, the best thing we can do is share awareness of this situation with as many others as we can. Get the word out and perhaps form support groups. It is quite evident that the government has no concerns for the welfare of the Native Americans. 19. The Native Americans are an example of Aquarian or communal living based on spirit, attunement with nature and the earth. By the Hopi prophecy, the Indians (those of the Indian mind, not necessarily of the red colored skin) will lead our continent into a New Spiritual Age. 20. A Christed Being visited the Americas (North & South) during the First Century A.D., teaching the same Truths as Jesus. Some of his names included: Wakea, Kate-Zahl, Chee-Zoos or Quetzal Coatl (Indian names)
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