Conference with Whitley Strieber
( Compuserve, New Age Forum, 6/19/94 )
Streiber Conference Transcript (CIS)
*********** New Age+ Forum 19-Jun-94 18:56 Rilla/Sysop: I'm going to briefly explain a Formal Protocol... | for those of you using the CIM programs... | pay special attention... | Enter "!" for a comment and wait for the | MODERATOR to signal you to go ahead and make | the comment... | Enter "?" for a question and wait for the | MODERATOR to signal you to go ahead and make | the question... | In both cases, when continuing your typing | to another line, enter an ellipsis "..." | at the end of the line so that we | know you haven't finished your statement. | Then when you are finished, type "ga" | or "GA for "Go ahead" so that the next person | can "talk" after being directed by | the moderator. | When the moderator calls on you , immediately type | "OK..." by itself on one line so that we | know you "heard" the moderator and are composing | your statement. Otherwise we | cannot be sure you are still there. | Questions about the rules? | GA Pete (Moderator): Welcome Whitley Strieber, author of Communion, | Transformation and now... Beyond Communion! | Whitley, would you like to say a few words of intro | here? ga Whitley | Yes. It's a first for me, so bear with me if I screw up the | protocols. | Now I'm not locked up. GA Pete (Moderator): The question we are discussing tonight is: Are | the visitors ET or from other dimensions or parallel | worlds. Whitley | Are the visitors physical or from another reality? | That's the conference question. But the answer seems to | lie along a broad spectrum. I've had experiences that appear | to be entirely physical, all the way to totally out of this | world things. GA Llew A. Wykel: My experience with this is that the beings are both, | physical and interdimensional. Whitley | What I've wondered is if all the hyperphysical stuff could | be special effects. If the experience isn't, basically, | physical. Llew A. Wykel: Using the interdimentional means as a traveling mode. Whitley | Wormholes, you mean? A tremendous amount of energy | would have to be involved, and a location probably well | away from any physical objects, like planets...GA Llew A. Wykel: Yes I think that the "physical" stuff is a form of | "guising". Bert | Whitley, some experiencers seem to encounter humans along | with aliens.... | at least they appear to be human... Whitley | I've got thousands of letters about that. Also, people | encounter visitors with their own dead friends and | relatives. ga Bert | Have you ever encountered humans and in this connection have | you... Whitley | Yes. ga Bert | ever seemed to have a military connection?ga Whitley | A military connection? Uniforms--dark blue. Very stern but | compassionate people. Not our military. But a sense of | Rilla/Sysop: I was wondering... | Pete and I have discussed the possibility... | that these "aliens" are not really from "outer space"... | but rather from a different dimension... | and travel interdimensionally... | this feels right to me... | what is YOUR opinion on this? GA Whitley | It turned out that a relative of mine, recently deceased, | was connected with MAJESTIC early on. He was the | source of lots of the stuff in my book on the subject. He | thought that they were entirely physical. But I don't | agree. GA Paul M. Hadeed: Do you think holograms are used to create these | special effects. ga Whitley | No idea about technology. If any. ga. CCC | Joe McMoneagle down at the Monroe Inst... | seems to think the ET's are us from the future. Any | thoughts here? ga Whitley | My feeling is that the mind is vastly more powerful than | we suspect, and that by making constricting assumptions | about its power, we have crippled ourselves. So, I doubt | if the visitors use much technology. And from the | future--I've certainly wondered, Pete (Moderator): ga WS- On this idea of "special effects" Whitley, | could you describe a recent example? ga Whitley | Give me a moment to compose. ga | I don't have a recent example from my own life. But a | typical experience is seeing them come through a wall. ga Llew A. Wykel: We have been working on the possibility that they are | "us" in another dimension with a "free will" | in that dimension not connected to ours here. GA Whitley | Or us in the future. Ga Alain/ASOP: OK. | I alwasy thought that they could be within ... | our universe but use interdimensional travel to... | get here. I.e. not need wormholes to get here. | Why do you think that is not possible? ga Whitley | What would interdimensional travel without a wormhole | be? ga Alain/ASOP: The use of scalar technology indicates that quantum | tunneling could be ... | a real possibility. I.e. high gravity field could be | localized. GA Whitley | again, huge energy needs ga Helen S./CHANNELING: I want to pursue Rilla's question a bit more... Alain/ASOP: Nope! You should read about Bearden. ga Helen S./CHANNELING: what if the interdimensional travel... | were *within* our consciousness... | rather than outside in a different... | physical reality... | what would the implications... Helen S./CHANNELING: be of your study and work?...(second ques after) | GA Whitley | Ref Bearden And I see Helen as being on | something. I feel as if my mind is like a window for them, | into our Pete (Moderator): ga 2nd ? Helen Helen S./CHANNELING: Yes... | what would it mean if the "other"... | were some "future version... | of us... | except more "dispassionate",... | the kind of dispassion that comes from "creating | worlds... | and following their progress... | as if the ultimate scientific approach... | us taken to the extreme? GA Whitley | We saw some people once who seemed to be from the | future. They were translucent, looked drugged...and I | wondered if a drug will be created that enables time | travel. ga Alain/ASOP: OK. To follow on on the scalar tech... | Bearden believes that spacetime can be curved by | opposing cancelling ... EM waves. The energy | is still there but cannot be detected by... | conventional means. Yet, it would squeeze into another | dimension... | Gravity forces are 10E42 weaker .... | than EM forces so it should be much more easy to | produce spacetime... | curavture. some files are in lib 8 BEARD1.ZIP to | ga Whitley | Will look at files. Thanx. I suspect that we filter out many | sense perceptions. We know the future, to an extent. | That's why there is such tension in the world, and such | breathtaking denial. The signals coming back are not | good, and we're PJ | If different brain wave states are different levels of | resonance, and if all mass is simply | trapped resonance, it seems logical to me that changing | one's "brain wave state" (or state | of consciousness) would put one at a "different frequency." | If dimensions were... say, a | range of frequency, this would allow us to access dimension | by the willed control of | personal brain waves. Make sense to you? GA Whitley | I think that the brain is probably a quantum machine, and | capable of many unsuspected capabilities. ga Frank Paladino: Re the time-travel enabling drug idea... | was that somthing you thought of at the *time* you ... | saw these people (ie was it "suggested")... | or was it a later explanation you thought of? ga Whitley | We saw a kid on a bike, who disappeared before our | eyes. And I thought then--he looked drugged. ga Xanadu | Hi sorry I'm Late, WS could you please talk a bit about what | you see happening in the next five years?ga Whitley | Next 5 years, we will come to understand that we cannot | escape our present environmental predicament without | major suffering. ga Llew A. Wykel: Our expierence with these beings began in 1983... | We have been in constant contact..... | they will allow some interaction on our part..... | but it is limited to instruction and actions to be | performed... have you been asked to accomplish anythig | specific?Whitley | Yes. Constant contact is getting more common. I've been | doing that for a little over a year. And more of my letters | mention it. Specifics have to do with personal | Bert | Whitley, do you have any thoughts/opinions about the | ongoing.... | Schiff investigation thru the GAO? Do you think this will | bear any fruit? ga Whitley | Maybe. I've been tormented by so many diff. govt. | agencies that there must be a hell of a thing going on. I | mean, people have come to my house, have interviewd | me, tested me physically, on and on. And I am just one | guy, so there must be thousands of records to be found. GA PJ | Once in a great while when they show up, the vibrations in | the room (and in the head!) pick | up to such a pace that there's actually NOISE -- eerily like | the 40's sci fi flicks. (This | helps the "I must be crazy" thoughts, eh. ) So I've | been wondering whether sound / | /light- which certainly can effect consciousness - could be | the medium of transfer. This | "physical" and "wormhole" stuff is either unnecessary, or | unapparent. They've reached | into me and my eyes were wide open - they weren't THERE at | least partially physically. The typical | UFO field paranoia hasn't cropped up with me; it's more | a "religious" experience. | When I accepted it, it got easier and (frankly) more fun. | Do you have any experience with | being able to "put yourself into that mode" (or some would | say "summon") them? I've heard | it can be done. Haven't been able to. What's your | experience here? GA Whitley | Sound is a critical factor. I think that the whole thing is | controlled by sonic vibrations. ga Don Kircher: ... WS Do you have a feel... | for their purpose or plan ga Whitley | I have seen them "stop the clock" in a big town using a | sound like a gong that made me feel numb. As to plan, I | think that we are their plan. The outcome of the human | species. ga Helen S./CHANNELING: OK... | talk a bit about intent... | do concepts like good and evil make any... | sense in the context of your experience and your ... | study of this phenomenon? | As in warring forces of good and evil. Whitley | Maybe we have to decide about intent, just like we have | to gain an organic realization that they are here before | we can freely interact with them. Also, a lot of my | experience has concerned reconnecting with good and | evil in a new way. As objective forces rather than | subjective. ga Paul M. Hadeed: Do you think ET has a specific time frame in respect | to their plan for humanity. ga Whitley | Nothing specific. Just here, waiting for us to change our | focus. ga Bert | ok... | regarding your comment about gov. agency tormenting... | did you mean that this has just started up since the Schiff | investigation... | went into gear? or has this been going on a long time? ga Whitley | Not nasty, really. Just persistent. Started after I | published Majestic, 'cause it appears to be full of | classified stuff. Wanted to know where I got it. ga MJW | Thanks. I would like to change the subject... | and ask about the new book you have written | I have all your books, since Hunger... | and can hardly wait for your next one... Llew A. Wykel: Sonics, is the way that we have maintained contact. We | are in the process of | synth'ing these sounds to enable us to communicate more | clearly.... | We have been harrassed also to the point of droping | underground and stopping.... | all talks we were involved in.... | Do you have theorys on how long they have been here? Whitley | Back to the govt. Now that I think about it, it HAS gotten | more persistent recently, in some ways. Could NSA be | nervous about me connecting with the Schiff | investigation? Don't know. And Lew, what kind of | harrassment? I get lots of techie stuff, like viruses on | this box, etc. ga MJW | I want to know if you still feel that they are benevolent | beings ... | who are visiting so many of us. ga Whitley | Benevolent has no meaning for me. Are we benevolent? | They are terribly complicated, as are we! ga Llew A. Wykel: We were told to stop talking or they would send the IRS | after us, and did have one | official... | show up at my next talk and identify himself as IRS. Whitley | Did send IRS after me. But I'm clean. Just keep pushing | the envelope, I say. Hell with them! ga Llew A. Wykel: That was enough for us we dropped out. Xanadu | Could you talk a bit more about the "outcome of Humanity"? | BTW could | you say what gov't agencies?ga Whitley | I won't stop until I die. This is the most important thing. | If we get this right, mankind evolves. If not, we go | extinct. | And you're looking at a very short timeframe. A century | more, at most. ga Llew A. Wykel: Right on! wscot | Since you mentioned it... | how much of majestic... | was fiction and how much is... | meant to be fact ga Ronald | ? WS, have you had contact with people re: dreams involving | infinity. Had them since | I was a kid; don't know if it's anything or not. ga Whitley | My primary contacts are with NSA. They put the pressure | on me. And Majestic--the way things got started with | MAJIC and the way they went wrong, that's the true part | of the book. ga Don Kircher: WS .. Is there more than one... | ... race visiting you or ... | ... do you have assigned handlers ga Whitley | No idea. Don't think it's that simple. Maybe we don't even | have words for what is "visiting" us. Are we visiting | ourselves? The life of mankind is at jeopardy, and our | mind is desperately looking for a way out. The visitors are | a side-effect of this struggle, whether they are physically | real or not. GA SHARON | You mentioned " Change of focus " Could you elaborate on the | kind of change they are looking for. Whitley | WE are looking for it. A way of seeing the world as it | really is, and making use of all the tools of the mind that | the visitors hold out before us like buckets of wel-water | before a parched wanderer. ga PJ | Regarding sound (sonics). I think this is a big deal, | Whitley. If we can even get the | 'underground' focused in this direction we could make real | progress. Also, practice | makes perfect; I think I'd freak out less when suddenly | 'losing the guising' if I had more | practice. If you know any sources of info, I'd appreciate | getting them. We're working | specifically with sound affected consciousness and would | love to find a few others. ga Whitley | No sources. Nobody knows anything about it! Interesting | book, The World is Sound by Berendt ga Llew A. Wykel: We haven't stopped just formed quiet group to maintain | contact. Whitley your right | the name of the game is evolve or become extinct, | that's why we think they are so persistant. | They may be dependent on that for their existance, | that's the feel I get | from it all. What do you think? PJ | (Darn. Keep us on your list, Whitley, we may have something | for you eventually. Thanks | anyway. GA) Whitley | I am involved in lots of fear combined with lots of | physical pleasure. I fight the fear as a kind of spiritual | discipline. But the physical contacts are now very | pleasant. ga | The fear is about annihilation of my soul. Fear of that. As | if they will simply displace my reality with their own, push | me aside and render me empty of meaning. ga | Oops. Sorry. Ga Helen. Bob M. | OK | I not so sure society will 'change it's focus' without some | MAJOR disasters or | experiences like your own. People are so into themselves or | money, they don't see the | signs or even WANT to see the signs if it bit them on the | a$$.(And it will) Do you think.... | most of you are 'chosen', maybe because you're already half | way..... | there into changing your focus? ga Whitley | Absolutely. What is inevitable is that at some time soon | the planet will become irreversibly unable to support us | and there will be all kinds of environmental breakdowns. | And chosen? If you're on this ole earth, you chosen! ga PJ | Perhaps these "interdimensional" abilities are inherent in | humanity but manifested more | in (the DNA?) of some humans than others, and they're really | just "scanning" humanity to | find those they can work with. What do you think? GA Whitley | It seems so organic to me. I mean by that, so deeply a | part of nature. I can't perceive an "us and them" | approach. It's all us. Living things, in the whole specrtum | of potential, from the simplest animal to the | consciousness that seems to skate the ether. ga Llew A. Wykel: Whitley have you been able to ask the beings to back | off till you get your breath, | and come back in when you are ready to interact again. | Or do they just seem to | know when that is required? Whitley | Yeah, I've created a sort of pulsation. Seasonal, with the | peaks coming in the winter. ga Pete (Moderator): My turn? yea! Flapping partridge here! Llew A. Wykel: Yes just the way we operate. Whitley | When they are gone, I'm homesick, then when they're | here, scared! ga Pete (Moderator): Whitley, are you entering other dimensions or | parallel worlds.... | yourself in your experiences - or being taken there? | Is this in Beyond Communion? ga Whitley Whitley | Yes. I think that we can do this more easily than we | realize. This is what Beyond Communion is about. US | doing something. Making our half of the relationship | Llew A. Wykel: The intensity of the being around you.... | is almost unbearable to the extent that we become over.... | stimulated and can't stay that way for very long.... | is that why there seems to be "drugging" taking place to | you? Whitley | Last time we looked in each others eyes, I did not crack | or turn away and it was HARD HARD HARD for both of | us. We don't do it anymore. And as far as "drugging" is | concerned, I just speculated about the idea of a drug | that would enable time travel. I'm certainly not drugged | when I have my experiences. But I CAN BE numbed or | placed in an altered state by sounds. And I've seen | others being affected thusly. ga PJ | Seems to me the bottom line is making the best of this; | learning to work with it to our | (possibly mutual) benefit. Any ideas for John Doe, Whitley? | For introducing or increasing | exposure, ability to deal with exposure, ability to | integrate it all, et al? GA. Whitley | It is a matter of becoming as used to this as we are to the | rising and setting of the sun, or to breath, or to our own | lives. The kind of surrender that is needed is active, | participating and deeply freeing. It is not surrender to | THEM, but surrender to ONESELF. That's the beginning. ga Bert | I'm looking forward to the new book. When will it be out? | And are there.... | any surprises in store for us? ga Whitley | The new book will be published by Harper/Collins next | year. Summer, my guess. Not finished writing it yet. And | yes, I have a fairly interesting surprise. ga Alain/ASOP: OK.... | This Sonics thing reminds me of Patrick Flanagan's | neurophone... | where he scrambled his brain for a good 20 minutes when he | tried... | some phaisng settings once. Do you think that it is what is | happening? ga Pete (Moderator): Whitley, can you give us an inside preview at all. | What do *You* think about the origin of the | visitors. ie. is there just one type or several. Are | some ET and some interdimensional? GA Whitley | The great problem is language. We have not evolved the | language to correctly and accurately describe the | visitors...and therefore, ourselves. Quantum mechanics | directionally suggest the kind of linguistic INdeterminism | that will be involved in accurate description. ET | Interdimensional. These are concretizing words, which | only make the task of SEEING Rick Adams: ok.... | pete's quest. kinda relates on to mine... | how does the "physical" spaceship et's correlate to the | interdimentional (DREAMLIKE)... | et's or terrestials? ga Whitley | I have been in interdimensional situations that were NOT | dreamlike, where I was there with somebody else. And | the interdimensional/time travel/contact with the | dead/alien business is all blended together. I have letters | from people whose NDE's evolved into abductions. The | point is, there is ONE experience behind all this, which is | many PJ | Lots of talk about different "types" of... Inter-D's. Do | you think this is guising, personal | interpretation, or that there really ARE - as Pete sort of | asked - "different ones?" | *Two. Not bad. Ga. Whitley | I don't think that categorization helps. It is a blinding | tool. ga westbrook: 1. Do these people have a name and 2. Do they perform | abductions? ga Whitley | Why not just break free from benevolent/evil, | ET/earthling, interdimensional/physical constructs. And a | name? Do you really have a name? What was your name | when you were in your mother's womb? ga Pete (Moderator): Lumir is with me here and wants to know what your | opinion is of aliens in a human "skin" or body. | Follow-up westbrook first? | ga westbrook westbrook: Do they perform abductions? Whitley | I suspect that human beings from other worlds in the | physical universe come here. Or maybe I've met people | who have som Whitley | Oops. That got away unfinished. As far as abductions are | concerned, I don't know what that is? It's a set of beliefs | that we've built up around some sort of experience. But | the beliefs filter the experience so we don't know what's | happening, not really. Just that it's hard. ga Bert | Whitley, I sense that John Mack thinks similarly... | to you. Do you have any feelings about whether he's on the | right path?.... | Have your read his book? ga Whitley | My problem with Mack is that I fear the consequences of | hypnosis, that it may impose structure on the experience | that isn't really native to it. ga Rick Adams | I had mentioned "dreamlike" , maybe druglike would have | been more correct a desc.... | do you think these visitors are the age old angles or do | you think the "physical" other worls et's are related? | angels...sorry Whitley | Could there be a drug that compels one to perceive only | what is true? I wonder. We haven't really gone very far | into the use of drugs, in general. Why has nature put all | these extraordinary substances into the living world? Are | there tools of interdimensional communication even now | falling to the bulldozers of the rain forest? ga Llew A. Wykel: Do you have any information or suspicion that these | beings might be our "creators" | not God but somehow involved in our creation as we | exist today? As opposed to | them being merely another aspect of ourselves? Whitley | I suspect that it would be very hard to tell demons from | angels. A demon would reveal hell to us, and be a very | terrible thing to see. But wouldn't an angel, if truly good, | reveal ourselves to us? And wouldn't that be very hard to | see, also? Almost, but not quite, a vision of hell? ga Rilla/Sysop: Whitley...when you mentioned the Rainforest... | are you familiar with Terence and Dennis McKenna's work? Whitley | And "merely" is not a good word to characterize such a | grand thing as another aspect of a human being. | McKenna's work, yes. But never took the PJ | Give me a minute, take someone else first Pete GA Pete (Moderator): Has anyone an experience to tell Whitley about - | involving another reality...? ga anyone Whitley | I am about ready to go. It's been great fun!ga PJ | Whitley, do you think... | that the effects of the experience with these "entities" | (whoever they may be)... | are affecting us *physically*? Have the feeling it's some | sort of .... | restructuring of possibly even DNA... or at the very least, | something... | close to what many religions would call "evolvement." | ? GA Pete (Moderator): Thanks for being here Whitley, if you can answer | Pj - Great. We've all enjoyed this conversation Pete (Moderator): ga Whitley. Whitley | Mixed bag. Physical effects on me--terrible allergies | accompanied by wonderful new abilities, such as the | ability to leave the body, to enter other realities, to move | through time. Strange effects on electronic instruments. | Sleep problems. Emotional upheavals. And a great | upwelling of hope. Thanks for having me. ga Pete (Moderator): Let's all add in our farewell comments to a great | writer and thank him ! Looking forward to Beyond | Communion! | ga Rilla/Sysop: Thanks Whitley!!!!! | PJ | Thanks Whitley and best of luck in your research. We may | meet again one day. Rick Adams: GThanks . Bob M. | Yea, Thanx for chatting with us, Whitley Llew A. Wykel: Thank you very much Whitley. Pete (Moderator): Come back to the forum anytime. It's less stressful | than CO! Rilla/Sysop: This was a wonderful co!! Bob P./UFOLOGY: Thanks much WS - good luck for the future to you! Bob M. | I really enjoyed.....c-ya later
Mr. Strieber welcomes e-mail from other people interested in communicating with him. His new book started selling in the stores on May 21st, 1995.
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