Not content with molesting harmless Brazilians, Aliens are constantly leaving their murderous grafitti on livestock. Perhaps testing the functionality of their weapons in earth's atmosphere, perhaps merely acting on their violent tendencies. I mean everyone likes to disembowel a helpless calf now and then, but this is just morally reprehensible. Check out the carnage:
1973 and 1975 over one-hundred and thirty mutilated animal corpses were
found. Deaf to the complaints of many ranchers and farmers, the FBI
refused to investigate, saying it had no jurisdiction in the
case. Colorado's Governer Richard Lamm expressed his emotions on the
subject."The mutilations are one of the biggest outrages in the
history of the western cattle industry," he said, "It is important that
we solve the mystery as soon as possible. The cattle industry is
already hard hit from an economic point of view. From a human point,
we cannot allow these muitilations to continue."
In Nebraska,
the mutilation situation got so bad
that eventually ranchers of the area took the Constitution up on its 2nd
Amendment and formed a well regulated militia to combat the evil. Even
helicopters in the area were fired upon, most notably a power company
chopper that received a couple bullets in the canopy for the heinous
crime of checking utility poles. All low flying vehicles in the area
were ordered to higher air and some were even grounded, yet the
mysterious sky lights continued, and cows were still not safe.
A calf
mutilation in Copperas Cove,Texas was
characteristic of
many mutilations. The reproductive system had been sheared out without a
drop of blood lost. Strange concentric circles were found for up to 30
feet around the corpse, suggesting some kind of aerial
assault. Several residents had reported seing strange orange lights in
the general area of the carnage.
Texas has
more to offer than upity Branch Davidians. In
1980, a rancher searching for one of his pregnant cows noticed a couple of
strange green guys. "They was wearin' some kind of tight-fittin' green
clothes like the color of mesquite leaves in the spring," he was
quoted as saying. The aliens turned to look at him. "I was afraid of
them seein' me", he continued,"I've read all about them abductions and
I didn't want them takin' me away in some flyin' saucer! I took off
down the hill pretty fast...." The rancher returned to the area two
days later to find the same cow with it's skin pulled inside out over
its skull. There was no blood to be found. A ribless calf backbone was
found a foot away from the corpse. Aliens out on a bar-b-q run, or
cruel sadism? You be the judge.