

darkNESs v0.24 GUI Vital information:
  • Created by: Mark Van Hall
  • E-Mail:
  • Web: N/A
  • Download:
  • Latest version: v0.24
  • Released in: April 1998
  • Size: 31kb for the executable.
  • OS/CPU Amiga OS 2.0 or higher/68020 or higher.
  • The details:
  • Legal status: Giftware. The author asks that you send him a small gift or postcard if you use darkNESs.
  • Other system requirements:
    A 68040 or better CPU is needed if you plan to run most games at full speed. Although it lacks support for joysticks internally, a patch program made for Amiga Mac emulation called MacJoy works fine with darkNESs.
  • Features:
    You can read the full text of the original documentation. You can also browse our compatability list.
  • Comment:
    A solid and highly system friendly emulator. Of all Amiga based NES emulators it seems to be the most compatable with different systems and capable of running games without error. It is slow on 68020 and 68030 machines and the lack of sound support is the most obvious flaw. I suggest setting frameskip to 4 and double buffer for those people trying to run it on slower systems.- Mathew R. Ignash (
  • Rating:

  • Page last updated: September 7, 1998