
Screenshot Vital information:
  • Publisher: Vic Tokai
  • Released in: 1988
  • Mapper: 3
  • Size: 65kb
  • Type of game: Spyhunter clone
  • Check compatibility with emulators! The details:
  • The plot:
    You have to rescue your girlfriend.
  • How To Play:
    Vie official docs!
  • Cheats:
    At the Game Over screen, hold Select on controller one and press A and B on 
    controller two then continue holding these buttons and press Start twice on 
    controller one.
    CODE	KEY IN . . .	EFFECT . . .
    1	AAVPNLGP	Jump OK, even with no power
    2	ZAUZAIPA	Gain double power on every pick-up
    3	AGVONLAA	Jump OK at any speed
    4	PANPNLIE	Set jump OK speed to 190
    5	LANPNLIA	Set jump OK speed to 130
    6	GEOAGGAA	Start on scene 5
    7	PEOAGGAE	Start on scene 10
    8	TEOAGGAE	Start on scene 15
  • Comment:
    A reasonable spyhunter clone.
  • Rating: 5/10

  • Page last updated: August 31, 1998