
Screenshot Vital information:
  • Publisher: Konami
  • Released in: 1992
  • Mapper: ?
  • Size: 256kb
  • Type of game: Platform shoot 'em up
  • Check compatibility with emulators! The details:
  • The plot:
    Rescue your friends and destroy the evil toad.
  • How To Play:
    Use A to fire your gun and B to jump, if you hold down A you do a power jump. You need to make it to the end of each level avoiding or killing the baddies, you can use the floating logs to travel on the water. There are plenty of 1-UPs around the levels.
  • Cheats:
    Level              Password
    Blinky Comes Back  5NJZJ
    Deadeye Is Saved   M7K2J
    Jenny Joins In     68L!3
    Captured Again     MRX24
    Salvage Chute      MRWtriangleL
    Magna Tanker       M!L2X
    Escape!            MRMtriangleX
    CODE	KEY IN . . .	EFFECT . . .
    1	AAELXYZA	Start with 1 life
    2	IAELXYZA	Start with 6 lives
    3	PAELXYZE	Start with 10 lives
    4	AEXGVYZA	1 life after continue
    5	IEXGVYZA	6 lives after continue
    6	PEXGVYZE	10 lives after continue
    7	SZVKOTVG	Infinite lives
    8	TAOLKYGP	Start with 1/2 energy
    9	EPELVNKE	Double Bucky's(tm) special energy
    10	KZELVNKA	Triple Bucky's special energy
    11	KAEUXNGE	All characters start with normal special energy
    12	EPEUXNGE	All characters start with 2x special energy
    13	KZEUXNGA	All characters start with 3x special energy
  • Comment:
    Good fun, but it can quickly become annoying when you keep going back to the start of the level.
  • Rating: 6/10

  • Page last updated: August 26, 1998