
Screenshot Vital information:
  • Publisher: Namco
  • Released in: 1985
  • Mapper: 0
  • Size: 41kb
  • Type of game: An unusual non-scrolling shooter with fourway movement. Based on the Atari and Namco arcade games.
  • Check compatibility with emulators! The details:
  • The plot:
    You play a guy in a space suit who is armed with a bicycle pump and digs thrugh the colorful soil looking for fruit and killing balloon monsters.
  • How To Play:
    You start every game at the center of the screen, where you must dig your way to the various monsters. Your movement is slightly slower then the monsters when digging, but faster when moving through open tunnels. You then get within a few inches of a monsters and hit your air pump. After several seconds you are treated to an ammusing animation of the balloon monster blowing up. Avoid the green monsters fire breath, which he only fires to the right or left. After getting tired of standing around the monsters have a tendancy of turning intangable and escaping into your tunnels to follow you. Their are also a few rocks that when dug under become unstable and will crush anyone under them. Good timing will allow you to use this to crush nasty monsters. When rocks are let free you will be given the chance to get a fruit for a bonus score. When the last monster is on the screen he will try to escape to the surface, ending the level. Getting him scores more points. You also get points for digging more tunnels.
  • Cheats:
    None Available.(Yet?)
  • Comment:
    I got Dig Dug for the C64 as a Christmas present when I was a kid. It was one of the first commercial video games I ever owned. Up until then I had to write my own entertainment. The play is similar to another title from the day called Mr. Do. You can play the original game under MAME and the C64 port runs on most C64 emulators as well. All versions are similar to the NES port. Their was also a sequal called Dig Dig II. - Mathew R. Ignash (
  • Rating:
  • Known conversions:
  • Dick Dug: I have only seen one conversion based on the Dig Dug game. It was a simple adult game that changed the main character into a rather unsightly organ. Otherwise it was unchanged and unoriginal. - Mathew R. Ignash (

  • Page last updated: September 7, 1998