
Screenshot Vital information:
  • Publisher: Pony Inc.
  • Released in: 1986
  • Mapper: 3
  • Size: 64kb
  • Type of game: Vertical scrolling shoot 'em up.
  • Check compatibility with emulators! The details:
  • The plot:
    You have to save the world.
  • How To Play:
    Fire with B, A fires your smart bomb. Your aim is to make it to the end of the level, detroying as many enemies as possible on the way. Avoid getting shoot, of course, if you do get shot from the side your missiles blow up (and act like a smart bomb) but you don't die, I think this only works while you have a smart bomb in store. The small helicopters that fly down the screen (the ones that can't be shot) will stay by you side and fire with you if touched. You can get extra smart bombs by shooting the Red diamonds that appear. Scenery such as houses, cars etc can be shot for extra points.
  • Cheats:
    To continue, hold down A, and B while Game Over is displayed.
    CODE	KEY IN . . .	EFFECT . . .
    1	SZSYAEGK	Don't take damage
    2	SLXLGNVS	Infinite lives--1-player game
    3	AEUUYTZA	Start with 2 lives--1-player game
    4	AEUUYTZE	Start with 9 lives--1-player game
    5	SUKLINVS + SUVULNVS	Infinite lives--both players
    6	IASUYYZA	Start with 6 lives--player 1 in a 2-player game
    7	AASUYYZE	Start with 9 lives--player 1 in a 2-player game
    8	IANLZYZA	Start with 6 lives--player 2
    9	AANLZYZE	Start with 9 lives--player 2
    10	LASNVVZA	Extra life every 5 bonus blocks 
    11	XTVLUEZK	Start with 2 little-helis after dying
    12	TEKNAXIA	Autofire capability
    13	ZEKNAXIA	Burstfire capability
    14	GXVNZLZP	Turbo boost
  • Comment:
    A bit dull.
  • Rating: 4/10

  • Page last updated: September 1st, 1998