
Screenshot Vital information:
  • Publisher: Games Arts
  • Released in: 1985
  • Mapper: 0
  • Size: 40kb
  • Type of game: Combines elements of both a shooter and a platformer that scrolls in all directions.
  • Check compatibility with emulators! The details:
  • The plot:
    You play a transforming robot/jet that must travel through a maze full of enemy robots.
  • How To Play:
    Controls are easy to learn. In robot mode left and right walk you to the left and right. Up makes you jump, and down makes you transform into jet mode. The A button fires your weapon, which will automatically aim for any opponent in a 180 degree arc in front of the robot. Unlike the Amiga version, where you fire an extreemly accurate laser, this version fires energy balls that seem to miss sometimes. In jet mode the control pad moves the jet, and and the A button fires forward. Bumping into any surface or floor automatically turns you back into robot mode. The bad robots in the maze basically see you and try to bump into you, draining your energy. Killing robots restores your energy. The different models of enemy robot vary in abilities. Some fly, some walk, and some just block your way. They also take different amounts of punishment before being destroyed. If you get down to zero energy you die. The maze is full of pit traps and ambushes. And it will take some fancy timing with the transformation to make it through some tight tunnles, as only the jet mode is small enough to fit through the spaces, but you need the robot to maneuver.
  • Cheats:
    None Available.(Yet?)
  • Comment:
    I first played Thexder years ago on the Amiga, but the game was not system friendly, and required me to boot off disk turn off AGA just to play it on my Amiga 1200. It was also protected to make backup next to impossible. Eventually I wore out the disk it came on. Now I can play a version of my favorite old game under a NES emulator without having to reboot! I also here that their were ports for the MSX and PC clone of Thexder. Their was also a sequal available for PC clones called Firehawk. - Mathew R. Ignash (
  • Rating:

  • Page last updated: August 28, 1998