
Screenshot Vital information:
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Released in: 1987
  • Mapper: 1
  • Size: 240kb
  • Type of game: RPG
  • Check compatibility with emulators! The details:
  • The plot:
    The Princess can only be awoken when the six crystals are placed in the staues in the Palaces.
  • How To Play:
    View the official manual!
  • Cheats:
    Easy Experience Start a new game and play until you've reached the first temple. After defeating it and placing the jewl in the status, you'll be given 9,000 experience points. As they're counting up, PAUSE the game and press Up+A simultaneously. Choose SAVE, then choose your character and reload your game. Watch those points soar!
    Pass Through Doors To pass through locked doors without a key, simply turn yourself into a fairy (with the Fairy spell) and float on through.
    Password To play a harder game enter "Zelda" as the password.
    Sword Skills To discover the art of the upward attack, go to Darunia and use the Jump spell to leap up to the house with a chimney. Drop down this and go right to find a knowledgeable warrior. The downward attack is found in Mido. Use the Jump spell to reach the open door at the top of the church, and go through to find a teacher.
    The Final Guardian When fighting your shadow, move to the left side of the screen and press B repeatedly. Your shadow may hit you once or twice, but you should land many more strikes during that time.
    CODE	KEY IN . . .	EFFECT . . .
    1	SZKGKXVK	Link(tm) has infinite lives
    2	PASKPLLA	Link starts with 1 life
    3	TASKPLLA	Link starts with 6 lives
    4	PASKPLLE	Link starts with 9 lives
    5	AZUOLIAL	Mega-jump
    6	OYKEEVSA + NPKEOVVA	Swap Shield spell for Fire spell
    7	LYKEEVSA + VAKEOVVE	Swap Shield spell for Spell spell
    8	LZKEEVSA + OPKEOVVA	Swap Shield spell for Fairy spell
    9	IIKEEVSE + VAKEOVVE	Swap Shield spell for Life spell
    10	VTKEEVSA + OPKEOVVA	Swap Shield spell for Thunder
    11	GXNAESON	Infinite Magic 
    13	EZXTGYYY  Do extra damage
  • Comment:
    A different approach to it's prequel, although the game is very much the same.
  • Rating: 8/10

  • Page last updated: September 1st, 1998