Streamer Requirements

  1. A suitable version of AmigaOS. V37 and up.
  2. ClassAct for AmigaOS less than 3.5
  3. Diamond.font (Comes with All AmigaOS versions, but you never know...)
  4. MPEGA, or other suitable MP3 file player
  5. 68020 processor and up. MPEGA supports PPC processors.
  6. TCP stack: MIAMI, AMITCP, or Genesis
  7. OpenURL.library (optional) - available on AmiNET
  8. RAPlay (optional) - also available on AmiNET
  9. MHIPlay if you have a parallel-port MAS MP3 player. You have to install the MHI package. You can then select MHIPlay as the player in the prefs panel.

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