SNMA arexx aliases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1-jul-94 By Samu Nuojua I have the following aliases defined in my s:shell-startup file to make life easier. I suggest you add these or your own if you use snma a lot from the shell and in arexx mode. The macros these aliases call must be in rexx: directory. ;----------------------------------------------- alias asm rx 'shellasm "[]"' alias remgb rx 'address SNMA remgb "[]"' alias addgb rx 'addgb [].glb i "a:include2"' alias seegb rx seegb alias quitsnma rx 'address SNMA QUIT' ;----------------------------------------------- When you type in shell: asm assembles the file addgb adds symbols and macros ending ".glb" to the global table by calling the addgb.rexx macro remgb removes one include file from the global table directly calling remgb snma arexx command. seegb calls the seegb macro to see what files is in global table. quitsnma signals snma to quit.