000=Selected Column: 001=What? Do you really want to clear this song? 002=Loading: 003=Saving: 004=Putting data into patterns... 005=Bassline 006=Rhythm 007=Sample 008=MUTE 009=Shuffle-Effect In Time 010=Files: 011=Free : 012=File Type: 013=Load As: 014=Save As: 015=Are you sure you want to quit 303tracker? 016=Selected Range: Position 017=Change length of pattern 018=Enter value between 2 - 32 019=Highlight Every...(0 - 31) 020=Delete 021=Get notes from: 022=Position offset: 023=Skip odd lines? 024=Position range: 025=Set shuffle amount: 026=Misc 027=Memory 028=DOS/Arc 029=303tracker's Hint Of The Day! 030=Enter the name of your new directory... 031=Enter name for current song... 032=Current Range: 033=Set Visible Marks 034=Enter name for current pattern... 035=Choose pattern to edit 036=Equalizer 037=Set Playback Mode 038=To use new configuration, restart 303tracker 039=Volume Level Faders 040=Extracting: 041=From: 042=Deleting: 043=Command for cutoff: 044=Command for resonance: 045=Command for env mod: 046=Command for decay: 047=Command for accent: 048=Command for volume: 049=Use commands 1/2 for slide effect? 050=Transpose notes: 051=Edit Envelope: 052=Pattern Order: 053=Pattern 054=Sample Format/Bits/Rate 055=Effects-Lists can't have more than 99 lines! 056=Are you sure you want to clear this list? 057=Nothing in buffer! Copy/Cut something first! 058=Use programmed sliders from pattern/song 059=Activate realtime controls, override sliders 060=Playback 061=Render 062=Play Record Stop Loop? Tempo 063=Playback/Render 064=Bassline: 065=Rhythm : 066=Sample : 067=Effects : Off 068=Effects : On 069=Play/Record 070=Info 071=ˆ‰ Decrease/Increase Sliders 072=‡ Move Steps Up/Down 073=Move in % 074=Move Steps 075=Direction 076=Transpose notes in range up or down... 077=Note 078=Octave 079=Engines 080=Effects List Hierarchy 081=Use Effects 082=Preset 083=Edit Effects 084=303tracker to back -> Free audiochannels 085=303tracker to back -> Free serial.device 086=Song Name 087=Song Info 088=Show info after loading 089=Resolution 090=Sample rate 091=Tempo (BPM) 092=Output Format 093=Range To Be Rendered 094=Render current pattern 095=Render song (arrangement) 096=Render range of patterns 097=Render What? 098=Smooth slider-changes 099=Add 100=Cutoff, Reso etc. 101=Select / Edit Envelopes 102=Effects 103=Mix sample 104=Position: 105=Pattern: 106=to 107=303 VCO 108=303 VCF 109=303 VCA 110=Oscillator Settings 111=Filter Settings 112=Amplifier Settings 113=General 114=Free Waveform 115=Pulse Width 116=White Noise 117=PWM On? 118=Noise Amount 119=Speed 120=Amount 121=Fill Wave 122=Waveform 123=Slide Duration 124=Tuning 125=Mix Balance 126=Rough (step) 127=No. of Echoes 128=Fine (ms) 129=Pre-Delay Time 130=Chorus Phase 131=Intensity 132=Speed 133=Delay Mode 134=Distortion Amount 135=Amount 136=Distortion Type 137=Figure 138=Effects-List has been changed without saving. 139=You can save it now as current preset or a new one. 140=Save Effects-List as: 141=Unknown ARexx-command for 303tracker! 142=Calculating 303 Bassline 143=Steps: 144=VCF: Lowpass Filter 145=VCA: Amplifying 146=16 to 8 bits & 44.1 to 22.05 kHz 147=VCO: Sawtooth 148=VCO: Square 149=VCO: Free Wave 150=Press Escape to skip this part 151=Shuffle: 152=Size: 153=Duration: 154=Loop? 155=Nothing to render! Pattern is empty! 156=Test Result 157=Buffer 158=Sample Dump Setup 159=Sample Len : 160=Sample Bits: 161=Sample Rate: 162=MidiChannel: 163=Sample Num : 164=Note Pitch : 165=Midi Volume: 166=Currently available songformats: 167=303tracker song (IFF-3TR0, load & save) 168=Protracker module (load only) 169=Path 170=File 171=IFF-8SVX 8 bit 22.05 kHz mono 172=AIFF 16 bit 44.1 kHz mono 173=WAVE 16 bit 44.1 kHz mono 174=kHz 175=bit 176=kb 177=ms 178=mb 179=Sunrize Studio16 16 bit 44.1 kHz mono 180=Raw Signed 16 bit 44.1 kHz mono 181=File already exists. Overwrite it? 182=Number of used patterns: 183=(Pattern 00 is always used) 184=PRESS ESCAPE TO ABORT 185=Dumping Sample... 186=Saving songs is disabled in this version! 187=Rendering Effects (Effects-List) 188=Converting...