Modifications made to ACE --------------------------- Intention ----------- This file is to show inventions, bugfixes and other improvements made to public UNACE sources. This also helps to get to know about reasons of bugs. Meaning of the symbols ------------------------ $ modified + new - removed ! bugfixed * new release History of changes -------------------- DATE MODIFICATION (--1998--) 10.1. ! unstore function in uac_dcpr.c 13.3. + UNIX port 15.5. ! UNIX port + '-y' switch *RELEASE UNACE- SRCS 1.2a 19.5. + port to Visual Age for C++ for OS/2 $ main() 21.5. + amiga/Readme.amiga ! UNIX: mkdir now creates directories with permissions 0777 & umask + unix/readme.txt to help people compile under UNIX