KENO for the AMIGA ================================================== Written in AMOS BASIC by Peter Craven 1990 WEIPA ================================================== KENO can be loaded by booting the KENO: disk or by clicking on the KENO Icon after opening the KENO: disk from the Workbench. **NOTE** The second option is only for those with expanded memory. If you have a completely unexpanded Amiga 500 you will have to boot the KENO: disk. Also, If you are using 1.2 quitting the program seems to crash the Amiga? When booting the KENO: disk you will notice I have included a quick map showing where Weipa is. You select numbers by clicking on them with the left button and deselect by clicking again. You must select at least 3 and a maximum of 10 numbers in each play. You also must have placed a bet before the game will play. Once the AMIGA has selected it's 20 numbers you have one of 3 options......... 1. CLEAR. This completely clears all your numbers for the next game. 2. REPLAY. All your numbers from the previous game will be retained. You can either play them again or add and subtract from them. 3. PAYOUT. This shows you a screen of the payout combinations It is self explanatory. Go back to the Keno Screen by pressing the Right mouse button. I have not included a quit option as this can be done with The usual CNTRL-C combination. This is my first program on the AMIGA having done all my previous work on a C<128, mainly in 64 mode. If you come across any bugs or idiosyncracies I have not found please let me know. Also if you improve the program eg. sound I have had my AMIGA for two years but only used it for Word-Processing or games play. Many thanks to Francois for providing a way of programming this great machine. I gave up on Amiga Basic very quickly.....!! Please address any correspondence to: PETER CRAVEN P.O. BOX 561 WEIPA. Q 4874. Thanks............. ==================================================