WARLOCK GAMES PRESENTS: BATMONKEY BatMonkey=A fun parody of Batman WARNING! This is a hint section.It gives away what to do!!!!!!! CHAPTER 1 "I Grab My Stuff And Go" I start on a screen with BatMonkey written on it.When I step through the passage I'm in my HQ.I grab every item (except the blue key) and then I can get to the Monkey Mobile. CHAPTER 2 "Police Station Arrival" In my car I set the steering wheel towards the Police Station,and then leave. At the Station I let my car lock,and then proceed to the left.The next screen lets me go down.There are eight rooms.I pick to visit the right rooms first.The first path leads to the Jail.I don't want to bother the people behind the bars so I leave them alone!Ah!In the next cell I pick up an old cup. CHAPTER 3 "In Search For Coffee and Bananas" I talk to the Police man (all police men are in blue) and he sends me off to get coffee.As I'm leaving I pet the red dog.He growls and sends his master over.I quickly flee.The next room has three sections.I'm only allowed to go in the small middle section.At the end is another police.I talk to him,but learning from the last police man I pick "Not if you want me to get you coffee."His answer was predictable.I try to open the doors but I don't have the keys. The next room has a computer at the very end wall.I'll keep this room for later. The next room is the kitchen.Two officers are fighting over a doghnut machine and there is a fridge,and a coffee machine.A COFFEE MACHINE!I fill the cup for the police man,and rush back to him.He gives me my banana! CHAPTER 4 "TRYING TO OPEN THE DOORS" I go to the 3 sectioned room again and give him the banana!He trades me his nail clippers.A short walk to the very first room(the jail) again and I pet the dog.This time I snip off one of his nails!When I go back to the 3 section room I place the nail in the bottom door and it opens!The other door needs a bigger key,though. CHAPTER 5 "ICE CREAM AND MILK" In the bottom section I find a peel,a banana,and a water fountain.The coffee made me thirsty so I try a sip of the water.What?No water?Hmmm. I give the banana to the dog in the cell.He gives me a surprise. I go out,pass the computer and kitchen rooms and try the bottom left door.Inside it seems to be my old nemesis, Mane.The gaurd won't let me by without me getting him ice cream.Back to the kitchen.In the fridge is one more box of ice cream!Horay!The gaurd lets me pass as I give him the ice cream.Talking to everybody in here I learn their names:Person,Mane,Cop and a half,and that other guy.I tell Mane to check his fly and he drops his pen.I also pick up the pebble.The next room (above me) has only one guy.He tells me to give a note to Cop and a half(whom I know) and I gladly do.Cop and a half gives me two towels,which I give to the person who's cleaning.He gives me a towel. CHAPTER 6 "POOP AND A JANITOR'S ROOM" Before I leave I talk to him again.He tells me to get him an old banana.I have'nt found an old banana so I go back to where I saw the banana peel.When I give him that he gives me a screwdriver.Outside I find that the Janitor's Room is locked and the next path is broken.Back to the dog in the jail.Yep.The #%^@ is still on the floor.But now I can pick it up with the towel.Back to the 3 sectioned room.I use the poop and the nail on the top door to open it.Inside the prisoner gives me the Janitor's Key.While I'm here,I go into the bottom room (the one with the fountain) and use the screwdriver to open the fountain up.Ah! The pipes are broken.Okay.I go into the Janitor's Closet (the key worked!) and throw my pebble into the puddle.Then I take the metal pipe. CHAPTER 7 "I BECOME A PLUMBER" I use the metal pipe to fix the water fountain and take the bucket back into the Janitor's closet.I throw the pebble back into the puddle and the water splashes into the bucket!I dip the broom into the bucket and I make an escape.But I still want to fix the fountain (hey I'm the good guy) so I take my half filled bucket back to the water fountain and pour the water out.Some police man comes and wants a pencil.I don't have a pencil so I give him my pen.He accepts it.Well now that I've beaten the game I want some fun,so I visit the computer room.To play on it I have to fix it.Here's what I do... CHAPTER 8 "ZZT GAMES IN A ZZT GAME" First I turn the monitor on (it's the bigger purple square) and I see that the computer (the smaller purple square) is off.When I turn the computer on I find out it's not working.By checking the two blue cords (and plugging them in) I turn on the computer (and it works!) and then I turn on the monitor.A path appears and it leads me to games.After I'm done I use my escape path (you remember the one I made with the broom in the Janitor's Closet?) and I go up.I won't tell you what happens next.Its a surprise. BATMONKEY Thank you for playing, Warlock93 This is my first game.Drop me an E-Mail with some helpful hints or new ideas.