Read this if you need more money... HOW TO TURN YOUR COMPUTER INTO A MONEY MAKING MACHINE IN YOUR SPARE-TIME! Dear Computer Owner, My name is Andy Berger. Did you know that there are literally hundreds of neat ways to make big money by using your home computer? It's really true. And the good news is, you don't have to be a computer genius to take advantage of these exciting opportunities. Now, no matter what brand of computer you own ... Commodore 64, Tandy, IBM, Apple, Compaq, "clones," or whatever ... you can dust-off that money loser and turn it into a MONEY MAKER! FAST. Here's how ... You see, I've come across a bunch of proven ideas to make money with home computers. Ideas you may not have heard about yet. And the beauty is, since you already own a small computer, start-up costs are low. Sometimes, zero. For example, you'll learn about ... > A certain automated service that can make you money EVEN WHILE YOU SLEEP > How to make money with the new "DTP" systems > Start an Accounting Service > How to start a Word-Processing Service > How a Texas man ties computers and sports together for outstanding profits > How to turn your special interest or knowledge into profits > Sell "these" in-demand computer products for extra cash > Shareware? Yes, "shareware" can bring you amazing earnings! > PLUS much more. So now I'm going to reveal the intimate secrets of how YOU can claim success with your computer. Beginning as fast as NEXT WEEK. And you can do it most anywhere, no matter where you live. In a brand new manual, "Computer Moneymaking Opportunities," you'll discover enough dynamite ideas for earning money to keep you busy for years and years. And just ONE of those money strategies can even make you rich. All you have to do is put it into action. SO WHY AM I GIVING YOU THESE SECRETS??? It's simple, really. There is so much computer-related business in America, you won't compete with me, nor I with you. So why not share my discoveries? (And we'll both profit in the bargain.) Now, read this ... I've hear of stories about how many folks, just like YOU and me, are making money hand-over-fist. For example, * T. Williams in Boston uses her Commodore 64 to bring in $500 a week, part-time from her home. * H. Pierson, Albuquerque, New Mexico says he pockets "thousands each week" with his computer automated service. Once in place, he rarely even touches his computer. * A Hollywood, Florida couple set up a little service that's grown by leaps and bounds, and it now makes them an extra $25,000 a year. * This is unusual: One lady rents computer "time" in a special location, and rakes in more money than she makes in her regular job. * Or, you could do like this Minnesota secretary. She performs a certain typing service that's not available in her town, and earns an extra $1,200 a month ... that's $14,400 a year "on the side." Could you use extra money? To catch up with your bills. Or to help buy your dream home or car? Or to send the kids to college? Or just to take that vacation you've always wanted? Now you can put your computer to work and make your dreams come true. And this new training guide makes it easy as pie. In just a short hour or so you can learn all you must know to get started. And once you're all set up, what happens is you can ... OWN A PRIVATE LITTLE HOME BUSINESS THAT CAN BRING YOU ENOUGH CASH TO BECOME FINANCIALLY FREE FOREVER! Listen closely. I'm not kidding. This is for real! These aren't silly little "get- rich-quick" deals. No. No. No! Computer-based home businesses are the wave of the future. And this is your ground-floor opportunity to jump on the profit bandwagon. Some government genius recently said that over 75 million people will soon be working at home using computers. For all sorts of business applications. Maybe he's right. Who really knows? But one thing's for certain ... If you need extra cash, right now, that computer of yours crammed on the top shelf of your closet, collecting dust, can be your key to financial security. Believe it! What's more, in just a matter of minutes you can learn how to put it to work helping you to bring in money hand-over-fist. Anyway, there's a list as long as your arm of successful home-based business people who have profited 100 times over from the same kind of inside information that you're invited to get ... DIRT CHEAP. So won't you join them? Here's the deal. Right now I've got your jam-packed package waiting to be shipped directly to you. It has all the latest facts about how to turn you computer into your own personal money machine. Once it arrives, you can be on your way to earning extra cash. Right from the privacy of your own home. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! And here's the neat part. You have my one-full-year money back guarantee. If, after you've tried out a plan or two, you're not satisfied simply send the material back undamaged. And I'LL REFUND EVERY PENNY YOU PAID. No baloney. No hassles. You've got my word on it. So you see, you simply can't lose. Order my new "Computer Moneymaking Opportunities" manual today, for a low, low price of only $10. If you don't make money, send it right back for a full cash refund. OK? OK! Now don't be left out. Let me hear from you right away. Thank you! Sincerely, Andy Berger P.S. Do you want to turn your spare time into thousands of dollars using your home computer? You do? Great! It's easy to get started. Just mail a $10 check, money-order, or cash to: ANDY BERGER 5708 BENTON HTS AVE BALTIMORE, MD 21206 And I'll ship your material by first class mail. I've got your package ready to go, and I'm waiting to hear from you. P.P.S. Don't forget ... YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. "Computer Moneymaking Opportunities" is fully guaranteed for one full year!