TOP 10 FUN THINGS TO DO WHEN A COP PULLS YOU OVER 10. Agree to walk a straight line, but only if he provides a net 9. Answer every question by saying "There's nothing in the trunk" 8. Offer to touch your finger to his nose 7. Do the "Pull my finger" gag 6. Appear to be enjoying taking the Breathalyzer test a little too much 5. Try to coerce him into singing a few verses of "Cop Killer" with you 4. Offer to prove your sobriety by reciting the "A-B-C's"...Blindfolded 3. Try to keep a straight face as you explain the sheep in the back seat is really "Just a Friend" 2. Ask him if he knows where any good party's are 1. See how much of the Miranda Rights you can recite as you puke on his shoes.