Stupid Laws Around the Land --------------------------- "The Trenton Pickle Ordinance and Other Bonehead Legislation" by Dick Hyman (The Stephen Greene Press, Brattleboro, Vermont) lists 114 pages of items similar to "Florida law prohibits rolling a barrel down the street." In San Francisco has an ordinance banning picking up used confetti to throw again. In Blythe, a city ordinance declares that a person must own at least two cows before he is permitted to wear cowboy boots in public. And Brawley passed a resolution forbidding snow within the city limits. A Stockton law of 1926 makes it illegal to wiggle while dancing. A Riverside health ordinance states that two persons may not kiss without first wiping their lips with carbolized rose water. San Francisco prohibits elephants from strolling down Market Street unless they are on a leash. But in Belvedere, a City Council order reads: "No dog shall be in a public place without its master on a leash." In Hanford, people may not interfere with children jumping over water puddles. The California Paiute Indian Reservation's laws forbid a mother-in-law to spend more than thirty days a year with her children. Babies in Los Angeles are forbidden to ride in a grocery pushcart with food their mothers have been buying. Los Angeles law also forbids hunting moths under a street light, and says that you can't drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood Boulevard at one time. L.A. also prohibits pickle-making at any point within the city's jurisdiction where its aroma might offend the nostrils of passersby. But an L.A. judge rules that "A private citizen may snore with immunity in his own home, even though he may be in possession of unusual and exceptional ability in that particular field." In Berkeley it's against the law to be caught smoking, or with matches in your possession, while out fishing. You also can't whistle for your lost canary before 7 a.m. It is unlawful to plant vegetables in California cemeteries, or to pick feathers from live geese, or to sell snakes on the street. It's a misdeameanor to detain a homing pigeon in California. A Glendale ordinance permits horror films to be shown only on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays.