HomeCraft Software - ORGANIZE! YOUR COLLECTION (OYC) Conversion Utility - To convert files created by The Software Guild's MUSIC LIBRARY SYSTEM. Conversion Instructions 1) Install HomeCraft's OYC software on your hard disk. 2) Copy the GUILD.EXE file to the directory that contains the OYC software. 3) If your Music Library System file is on a floppy disk, put that disk in a floppy disk drive. Otherwise, these instructions assume that the Music Library System files are on a hard disk in the same computer as the OYC and GUILD.EXE software. 4) Set the DOS prompt so that it is set for the drive and directory containing the OYC software. Type GUILD and push ENTER. 5) The conversion utility will ask for the drive, path and filename that identifies the Music Library System files. Enter this information. The filename used is always MUSIC. Thus, if the Music Library System is on the "C" drive in a directory called "MLS", you would enter: C:\MLS\MUSIC Do not enter the filename extension of ".DAT". 6) Next you will be asked for the number of entries you have in the Music Library System. If you do not know this number, run the Music Library System to make a note of the total number of listings shown in the upper right corner. 7) The conversion process will now take place. You will see each entry flash onto the screen as it is converted. When the conversion is done type: OYC CONVT at the DOS prompt and OYC will start up and use the converted file. You can rename the converted catalog file (now named CONVT) using the "Rename" feature on the Utilities Menu. You can change the lines - add more lines, change their lengths, change their titles, etc. - using the "Set Up Catalog Format" feature on the Utilities Menu. If you have put several types of information on a single line in the Music Library System, you may want to split that information among several lines in OYC. The easiest way to do this is to add the additional lines you want to use to the CONVT catalog. You can then use the F1/F2 (browse) feature of the Edit Mode to move through the entries and copy the information (manually, by retyping it) from the Music Library System lines to the new lines you have added to the format. When you are done, use the "Set Up Catalog Format" feature to set the lines containing the duplicated information from the Music Library System to zero length - and they will go away. You can then re-arrange the order of the lines, if you wish, using the "Copy Entries" feature on the Utilities Menu.