D E L U X E ********* ** *** ** ********* ** *** **** *** **** *** **** *** ** ** *** ** ** *** ** ** *** **** ******** *** ******** *** **** ******** *** *** ** ** *** ** ** *** *** ** ** ********* ** ** ********* ** ** ********* ** ** v2.0 Made by Edgar M. Vigdal Recoded By C Kinghorn. WHAT IS SHAREWARE ? ------------------- Shareware is a way of getting good software in a cheap way. You get hold of the software for almost nothing, and can test it for a while before deciding if you want to pay the programmer for his/her hard work. And remember that if you don't pay and nobody else do pay than it's pretty sure that the programmer will NOT make any more shareware software. And that will in the end lead to no public-domain software for your machine. So, please pay the author of the software. NOTE! This program is in fact shareware! IF YOU LIKE THIS PIECE OF SOFTWARE ! ------------------------------------ If you use this software and you like it, than I (Edgar M. Vigdal) would be eternal grateful to you, if you send me 10 US Dollar, £5, 50 NOK or any amount you like, as payment for the game. If you would like 1 year of free update (at least 2 update (If I get any bug rapport, or suggestions for improvement)), than send me $20, £15 or 150 NOK. If you also want the latest version of Deluxe PacMan, than add $5, £5 or 50 NOK. If you become a registered user and send me a disk, I will send you a super version with more levels, more sound effects, speech and other improvements. (maybe an AGA version?!) With an internal greeting list of the 20 greatest fans/supporters. (Limited fame!!) **PLEASE** Send me a disk for the replay, as I can not afford the disks! This is my address... Edgar M. Vigdal 583O LUSTER NORWAY (I do not like whale hunting!) (But than again, I don't like bull fights either!) Or you may use my bank account.... 3785.10.05774 Luster SpareBank 5830 Luster NORWAY Or you may use my PostGiro account... 0826.0658124 The following methods are accepted when paying. ----------------------------------------------- - Cash: Preferably by registered mail. - International Postal Money Order: Send an International P.M.O in NOK (other currencies are not accepted). Contact your post office for further information. Please note that Canadian / US Postal Money Orders are *not* accepted. These are worthless in Europe. - EuroCheques: Send a EuroCheque written out in Norwegian kroner. (other currencies are not accepted). Make the cheque payable to Edgar M. Vigdal. - PostGiro: Transfer NOK to the PostGiro account 0826.0658124. Please make sure that your full name, address, postal code, city and country is included. If you have an Internet email address, please include that one too, as I will soon be on the internet. To those that support my hard work, I send my warmest regards to!! NOTE! Please check that the address listed above is the same as the one in the game ! NOTE! If you send a disk you may put some stuff on it. Demos, games, utilities or music modules. NOTE! To all of those that send my the fee for Deluxe PacMan, I _WILL_ send you the update!!! NOTE! If you have bought this game from any public-domain firms you have NOT paid me anything, you have only supported some 'thieves' who are earning lots of money on other peoples hard work!! If you want to support the programmers, then subscribe for the Fred Fish disks and send the shareware fee to the peoples that should have had it in the first place. TO MAGAZINES! ------------- If you want to use this game on your coverdisk or you are reviewing the game, then please send me a copy of the magazine. DELUXE GALAGA ------------- Deluxe Galaga is based on the game StarBattle on the old VIC20. That was one excellent game, that I had a lot of fun with. It's also some features from the games Galaga and Galaxions. I played Galaga on an arcade machine, but it was so long ago that I have forgotten how it looked like. My version of Galaga (or StarBattle) is a simple (?) shoot'em up game with good game play, but not so much fancy graphics. Many of todays game have lots and lots of graphics, but when it comes to game play they really sucks. They have manuals covering hundreds of pages, and you need hours and days to get into the game. What I want from a game is some relaxation for a couple of minutes, and then be able to quit the game and do some more work. And not to mark the calender for when I want to play the 30MB hi-tech game! YOUR MISSION... You are in control of a small starfighter, and your mission is to protect the earth from alien attackers. When you start, your ship have limited supply of bullets and are moving a bit to slow, but by shooting the aliens you can collect the falling bonuses and get all sorts of weapons, extra speed and a lot of other goodies! There are double shoot, triple shoot, super weapon, extra life, smart bombs, money, warps, secret bonus level and much more. Look out for mother ships, rockets, warp malfunctions, super guardians and Super Cash Ship! There is also a lot of secrets in the game, you can find this secrets yourself, or you can buy them in space-shop. The space-shop will appear every fourth level, but you must have more than 50 credits to enter the shop. There are more than 10 secrets hidden in the game. The game screen.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Show if music or | SFX are selected Red for player1, blue for pl2 | for the 4 channels. Show how many| __________________________________ | ships you | | 00000000 | | have. |-»|Ships mmmm|«-' | Show what kind of | x5|«---' multiplay you have. When EXTRA is|-»|E 250|«--. spelled, you | |X | | Show the amount of will get an | |T | | cash you have. extra ship! | |R | |A Meteor-| | Meter|«--. Show how much there If you have |-»|Rank | | are left of the six marks,you| |marks | | meteor-storm. will be pro- | | | moted to a | | | new rank. | | | | | | |/\| «-------------|--| Your ship! | ==== | | If it's flashing |__________________________________| | you have the shield. INSTALLING THE GAME ------------------- o DISK Start your machine with workbench, than insert the Deluxe Galaga game disk in one of the diskdrives, and open up the disk by double clicking on the disk icon. Than open up the Deluxe Galaga directory by double clicking on the directory icon. You than start the game by double clicking the Galaga game icon. If you want to make a bootable game disk than format and install a disk. Than make a 's' directory on the disk... Makedir DF0:s [RETURN] Copy all of the Deluxe Galaga files on to the disk. Or just copy the Deluxe_Galaga directory over to the empty disk. Copy the 'CD' command on to the disk. Make a startup-sequence in the 's' directory like this... CD Deluxe_Galaga ;If Deluxe_Galaga is the games directory!. ;If you don't use a Deluxe_Galaga directory ;you must use a 'CD DF0:' to get the game ;to start!!.) (Add44K) ;Include this line if you run out of memory! Galaga Reboot with the disk and test if it works!! o HARDDISK Copy the Deluxe Galaga directory to the desired directory on your harddisk, by dragging the directory icon from the Deluxe Galaga game disk to the selected harddisk directory. To start the game just double click on the Galaga game icon. You should select the 'SAVE ON EXIT' option, if you are playing the game from a harddisk, and end the game by pressing the 'ESC' key. Read more about the options below. o GAME OPTIONS AND PREFERENCES When you start the game for the first time, a preferences screen will appear. On this screen you can select what chips your Amiga have, the video system and how to save the hiscore list. _____________ ___________________ | | | | | 68000 | | | |_____________| | | ________________ _____________ | | | | | | | | | PAL (50Hz) | | 68020 | | O K | |________________| |_____________| | | ________________ _____________ | | | | | | | | | SAVE ON EXIT | | 68030/40 | | | |________________| |_____________| |___________________| This are the gadgets that will appear on the preferences window. ________________ | | This gadget will switch between PAL | PAL (50Hz) | and NTSC video system. (Only on ECS Amigas!) |________________| I hope this will work! If this option don't work you may try the 'hertz' program, that should be in the Deluxe_Galaga directory. This little utilitie will try to toggle the video system between PAL (50Hz) and NTSC (60Hz). You must start this utilitie from SHELL, like this.. Hertz ;Where n is either 0 or 1 For this to work you must have an RGB or Multisync monitor!! Or use the composite signal!?! ________________ | | This gadget will switch between | SAVE ON EXIT | 'SAVE ON EXIT' and 'SAVE IN GAME' for |________________| the hiscore saving option. _____________ | | This gadget will select the | 68000 | MC68000 processor mode. Used in A500/A600. |_____________| _____________ | | This gadget will select the | 68020 | MC68020 processor mode. Used in the A1200. |_____________| _____________ | | This gadget will select the | 68030/40 | MC68030/MC68040 processor mode. |_____________| Used in A3000, A4000/030 and A4000/40 The 'OK' button will save the preferences and start the game. The 'PAL', 'NTSC' options is for those Amigas that have the fat Agnus chip (the chip with the video system switch), this option have no function on older Agnus chips. The 'PAL' option is for those living in Europa or other countries that uses the PAL video system. The 'NTSC' option is for those living in the U.S.A., Japan or other countries that uses the NTSC system. If you are playing the game from harddisk, you may select the 'SAVE ON EXIT' option, this will save the hiscore list when you quit the game with the 'ESC' key. You can also use this option if you have any problems with the 'SAVE IN GAME' option. If you use the 'SAVE ON EXIT' option you must use the 'ESC' key to save the hiscore, if you reset the machine (CTRL,AMIGA,AMIGA) the hiscore will be lost! The 'SAVE IN GAME' will save the hiscore each time the hiscore list is updated with a new hiscore entry. You may also select the kind of main processor your Amiga is using. 68000 If you got a standard Amiga (A500,A600,A1000 or A2000) 68020 If you got a A1200 or any 68020 accelerator. 68030/40 If you got a A3000, A4000/30, A4000/40 or any 68030/ 68040 accelerator. If you don't select any of the processor options, the program will automatically select the right kind of processor. If you have a faster processor, the game will have more objects on the screen, bigger explosions, more bullets, more bonuses, more background stars and........ You may also force the program into using more objects, by choosing a faster processor than the one you have. This may slow down the game when a lot of objects is on the screen at once, and the graphics may begin to flicker. The preferences that you have selected will be saved for later use. If you want to change the preferences you most hold down the fire button on the joystick (Port 2)(NO auto fire) when the game is loading. Or you can delete the GALAGA.PREFERENCES file in the S: directory of your boot disk. NOTE! This game will NOT work on any 24bit graphics card. If Commodore had made a machine with a fast enough processor to use system functions in games, it would have worked, but didn't and they never will! Sorry !!! Amiga is the best home computer in the world, it's just to bad that Commodore got hold of it !!!! HOW TO CONTROL THE GAME ----------------------- ESC Stops the game in play, and quits the game if you are on any of the menu pages. F1 Selects 1 player mode. F2 Selects 2 players mode. 1 Selects beginner mode. (4 bullets, more speed) 2 Selects normal mode. (2 bullets, normal speed) 3 Selects hard mode. P Pauses the game, and starts the game again. You may also start the game again by using the fire button. E Selects sound effects or music. F5 Print out the hiscore-list. The boot-disk must contain the printer driver, parallel.device and the port-handler. F6-F9 Toggle the 4 sound channels between music and SFX. F10 Selects the next music module. * Mute. Toggles volume between max(64) and min (0). +, - Adjusts the music volume. J Joins two hiscore lists together. If a friend of you have the game you can use this function to make a new hiscore list with the best hiscores on. The new hiscore lists will contain only the best hiscores. You control the game with a joystick in port 2. BUTTON = Shoots at the aliens. LEFT = Moves the ship to the left. RIGHT = moves the ship to the right. EXTRA FUNCTIONS --------------- o MUSIC & SFX If you get sick and tired of the music you can change it with one of your own favorite protracker modules. You do this by changing the name of the original music or delete it. Example rename GALAGA.MUSIC as GALAGA.MUSIC.reserve And then you copy your module over to the Deluxe Galaga directory and rename it as 'GALAGA.MUSIC' Example rename MOD.SUPERTUNE as GALAGA.MUSIC You may also change the jingles (this are small tunes that are played at special occasions), as they are also protracker modules. NOTE! The modules that you want to use must be compatible with ProTracker 1.1b. If you test your selected module and it's not played back correctly, then it's most probably not compatible. NEW FOR VERSION 1.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may now have many different music modules, and have one random module selected and loaded. First copy all of your favorite ProTracker modules to the Deluxe Galaga directory. Then you must rename them to... GALAGA.MUSIC0 (The number at the end of the name - GALAGA.MUSIC1 starts on 0 and goes up to as - GALAGA.MUSIC2 many modules you have copied.) . (Max is 9!! (0..9)) . . GALAGA.MUSICN (n is the number of modules) NEW FOR VERSION 1.7B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may now have a file containing a list of your favorite ProTracker modules. The file must be named 'GALAGA.MODULES'! Example file..... Music:PT/Modules/mod.HideawayBlues Music:PT/Modules/mod.DontYouWantMe Music:PT/Modules/mod.FeelTheBase2 Music:PT/Modules/mod.Guitarslinger *** Add a dummy line at the end *** When the game starts it will load as many of modules as the memory allows. o SFX If you have more than 512K of memory and you get sick of the sound effects, then you may try the small sound effects. Example rename GALAGA.SFX as GALAGA.SFX_reserve The game will now use the 'GALAGA.SFX_SMALL' as sound effects. o 512K MEMORY If you only have 512K of memory, then you may have to use the program 'Add44K', to get a little bit more free memory. The music will not be used and the small sound effects will be used. The game must have approx. 453 K of free memory to start. (I have managed to get it started with only 436K free chipmem!) Remember to disconnect any extra diskdrives, to get some more free memory. o HISCORE PRINTING (New for version 1.9) When you press F5 on the menu screen, you will enter the print hiscore function. For this function to work, the boot-disk (DHX or diskette) must contain the following files... DEVS: Parallel.device printers/ L: port-handler The printed hiscore-list will list the following info... #, Name, Score, Rank, Shoots, Hits, %, Game Time and will print for easy, normal, hard and meteor-storm. THE NEXT DELUXE GAME -------------------- The next game in the Deluxe series, will probably be Deluxe Donkey Kong. I actually started on this game after I had finished Deluxe PacMan. But then I got another public-domain version of Donkey Kong, that looked almost like the version that I had on my old C64, and that look almost like the one I had in mind. After I released Deluxe PacMan many have written to me and asked my to make a version of Donkey Kong, so now I am going do that. A super duper version of Donkey Kong. If you have any tips for Deluxe Donkey Kong then send them to me. (graphics, maps, sounds or ideas) But when I am finished with Donkey Kong I would really want to make a version of JumpMan, one of my all time favorites! If you have any suggestions for improvements or if you have found any bugs then lett my know. Good luck and have a lot of fun !!!! PEACE !!!! Life sucks !! - Al Bundy Where's that damn hamburger - Kelly Bundy Sorry for all the spelling errors and bad syntax!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- History VERSION SPECIFICATIONS DATE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v1.0 First version of Deluxe Galaga 20/10/93 v1.2 Added 'Hurry Up!!', and fixed a possible trouble spot. Fixed some routines in 2-player mode. Added exploding rubbish to small aliens 27/12/93 v1.3 Speeded up some routines. Added the Warp Malfunction routine. Changed the music routine with the prorunner routine (very fast!) Fixed the ProRunner routine, so it would not GURU on machines with the interrupt vectors moved to fast RAM. Added the volume adjust routine. Added the random music loader routine. 14/01/94 v1.4 Speeded up even more routines. Channel shearing between music and sfx. Faster vector, Random and BOB routines. Test for HIRES SPRITE and DBLPAL screen. 17/02/94 v1.5 Fixed the BOOM when the rocket dies. Set the interrupt handler priority a bit higher. Same random in the meteor-storm mode. Fixed a bug in the 'save hiscore in game' routine. Shows the rank mark, when new rank. 25/02/94 v1.6 Removed the AGA/ECS gadget as it had no function anymore. 27/02/94 v1.7B Switched from AsmOne to DevPac 3.04. (The DevPac is a bit slower, but the sources gets a bit cleaner?!) Speeded up the movements of the players ship. Now uses TCPA (Time Coded Pointer Array) to check for alien hits (No big loops, and no clearing of a hash array each frame!) Speeded up the program even more, using a global variable pointer. The switching of HiRes sprites to LoRes is tested and it is now working 20/03/94 v1.8 Found one nasty bug. After the bug was removed my machine has not guru'ed once!! (It's stayed on for almost a month) Added a credit meter and some other info. Fixed some other small 'faults'. 04/04/94 v1.9 Fixed a bug in the show-secret function. Added two new weapons and the Cash-Ship. Added the print hiscore function. Made the game work on only 512Kb memory. Changed the PAL-NTSC switch to bit 5 in $DFF1DC.w 25/04/94 v2.0 Fixed Bugs in module sercher and plasma Added game secrets to text and taken echos off After killing big ships coin ship has more green coins fireball weaopn has been modified and warp fail's eased. 16/05/94 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical info. 568395 bytes of source code, 22822 lines of assembler code. Assembler time : 38.13 seconds on a 7.14 MHZ 68000 A2000 241920 bytes of raw graphics. Over 400 frames of animations. Over 90 sprites on screen at once (68030) Over 185 BOB'S on screen at once (68030) 78 sound effects, 4 jingles, 1 music pieces. If you are interested in making your own games or assembler programming then you can buy the whole source code and development tools for only $75, £50 or 500 NOK You will then receive the following... Source code (assembler, with comments) Data files (graphics, animations, sound effects) Level Creator (make new levels for Deluxe Galaga) SFX Creator (Synthetic and sample sound effects creator) Converter 5.0 (Graphics convertor and cruncher) You will also receive all the source code for all the tools. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------