Instructions for HPDeskjet500 Fonteditor ======================================== This fonteditor was maid mainly to work with Wordplus and is therefore restricted to fix pitch single pass fontes with a maximum height of 12 points! Important ========= Before you can use any soft fonts you have to connect a RAM expansion cartridge 22707 A or 22707 B. Shareware ========= It took me a lot of hours to make this program. Therefore I would appreciate some economical reward! If you like this program, please send me the small amount of SEK/DKR 100:-/US$ 20:-/DM 30:- or the corresponding amount in any European currency! Instructions ============ 1. Load font or type N for New font! Load font -> 6! 2. Type the name of the new font! Maximum 16 letters! 3. Type the font width pitch (letters/inch)! Anyting more than 9 is valid. Specify if you want to make block letters or a handwriting style font (Like for examples Arabic!). In the first case you get some space between the letters. Otherwise you'll get access to the full cell width! 4. Type the character set ID! This is what you find after Esc( in the character set commands. See Owners manual p.C-8! RETURN will give you the default 99T! Type the typeface code. This is what you find in the Esc(s#T commands. Se Owners manuals p.C-9! It's a good idea to use [3] as it is the internal courier code! 5. Specify the base line position in points from the top of the cell! I have found out that the internals use 39! 6. Back in the editor - Use the mouse and select a character to edit! In the upper right corner of the screen you can see a small image of the edit cell. To the right of that cell, you see the copy cell. To the left of the small edit cell you see the actual character you are editing, and under it the first and the last character of the font you are working with. A font can contain anything between 1 and 255 characters. I am not going to explain more about the menu options I, N, L, S, R, T, D, C, P and Q than that you have to select them with the keyboard. You'll soon find out how it works. I'll just mention some extra options. R When you rename a font you can also change the pitch. If you for example have made a pitch 10 font it is very easy to make it to a pitch 12 font. S When you save a font you can select Portrait or Landscape. Save always as Portrait first! HP_EDIT >v.1.05 can produce Landscape fonts. But you can't reload a Landscape font. So, save always as Portrait first! Making lines ------------ It is easy to make straight lines in the editor cell. Do it like this: 1. Put the mouse curser in the start position of the line. 2. Press both mouse buttons, starting with left button and then right button. 3. Do the same procedure at the end position of the line, and the editor will make a straight line between the positions. The Arrow keys -------------- With the four arrow keys left, right, up, down, you can move your character in four directions inside the edit cell. HP_FONT.PTH ----------- This file shows the path to your fonts. Change it as you want! The following is an example: C:\HP_FONTS\*.HP* V.1.01 Menu selection with the mouse and a lot of other improvements. V.1.02 Faster copy function. The HP_FONT.PTH file in the same directory as the HP_EDIT.PRG lets you specify the path to the folder where you store the fonts. V.1.03 Lets you specify Italic or Upright. And some minor bugs are fixed. V.1.04 Some small improvements. V.1.05 Now, Landscape fonts! V.1.06-7 Small improvements. V.1.08 Reads fonts made by other editors e.g. Fontkit Plus 4. Stig Norin N”bbel”vs Kyrkov„g 105 S-226 53 LUND Lund Sweden